Author Topic: 2012/02/05 - Shadows and Shaders vs. Interiors and Terrain [Fan Art Too]  (Read 434663 times)

Just using a relative superpower as an example, not as a coding template.
And if you'd read the rest of my post you'd understand that removing terrains and interiors will mean more updates that people have been asking for for a long time may be made. You think that minecraft is popular because they have not great graphics? No, it's the other features that they have and without the interior and terrain code cluttering blockland up, maybe we can have some of them or even better features.

Minecraft is more well known/popular than blockland, and their graphics are poop.
Pixelated graphics are considered 'classic' and 'nostalagic' amongst  gamers. Minecraft was supposed to look like that.

Most gamers don't consider ugly lighting from 1998 'classic'.

Half-Life may be classic, but not for it's graphics. It's the great gameplay and puzzles.

I have nothing against your point, but you should argue differently.

I have a question, Will textures be affected? I have Squideey's, and was curious about it. (With the new update, will it have default textures, for EVERYONE, or not unless you have a texture pack)

I think it's funny that some individuals actually prefer shadows over game compatability in general.

I understand why Kompressor would want the feature, considering the amount of effort he put into making them work appropriately.  But, the bias of one's creation aside, they do not benefit the game as much as terrain.  This is a fact, not an opinion.. or some silly bias I'm here to display out of anger.  The appearance of shadows will not allow for users to do more.  It isn't some magical entity that'll now enlighten users of a better world -- they're literally shadows casted from bricks.  You establish a primitive nature to something if the quality is effected by its appearance.  A fool makes a house of gold; a genius makes one of steel.

Terrain is such an incredibly large portion of the game, regardless of how "ugly" it looks.  The intent is to allow for environments that can be played in with no end, allowing for users to build differently to adapt to each individual location; why anybody would even consider ridding of this for brick shadows is beyond my level of comprehension.

I've been with the community since 2004, and have most likely logged more active playtime than the majority of the players here.  This isn't a way of boasting, but stating that I've witnessed the ups and downs of this game.  Sure, I haven't always provided too much input, but now I think it's the time to listen, and listen well.  You will significantly hinder the game if you push this through, shooting the value of it down dramatically.  You will rid of a fanbase that has followed you for years now.  This is something that should be thrown in on the side, something, of which, shouldn't jeopardize the game in any way.

You've done a good job, Komp.  Now do a better job by figuring out how to keep the game as it were.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2012, 01:32:39 PM by --LegoPepper-- »

RIP any positive reputation Kopmressor had here.
Sorry. About 80%+ people still have a positive outlook towards Kompressor.

The rest aren't reading a single loving thing and if they have, they changed their opinion already.

Get this through your little heads: Terrains and Interiors aren't being removed just because of new lighting. The whole engine is a decade old, and Terrains and Interiors are the main factor keeping it back from advancing. If we want any of the big features people beg and plead for, the stuff from 1999 has to go.

Removing terrain helps enforce building in a building based game.
The loss is a few slopes here and there, and a few decent maps.
Wedge made an interesting topic on a good idea for "map making" and i think it's pretty damn sweet, and incase you didn't read the topic:
In order to make all this possible, though, we need to kill two old, slow features in Blockland: interiors and terrains.

These two features complicate Blockland’s code tremendously. That means we can’t add game features very quickly. They still have bugs in them (after years of work). They are slow, too - bricks are about 90% of their speed and can do a LOT more (explosions, events, in-game editing).
They just aren't removing terrain because of shadows, they're removing it because it's a huge wall blocking updates.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 11:45:49 AM by Alphadin »

Can someone please tell Lord Tony to stop whining every 2 days on Steam about interiors, and him going boo hoo about his 'toy builds' getting ruined?

His ban ends some time today (right?), so he outta be preoccupied with this topic instead of Steam.

Can someone please tell Lord Tony to stop whining every 2 days on Steam about interiors, and him going boo hoo about his 'toy builds' getting ruined?

i thought he would actually want more building, he is lego obsessed after all.

Can someone please tell Lord Tony to stop whining every 2 days on Steam about interiors, and him going boo hoo about his 'toy builds' getting ruined?

How is that relevant to the topic?
There's a block and remove button on Steam; use them and keep your personal issues out of this thread.

I have a question, Will textures be affected?

Pretty sure kompressor answered this earlier in the thread.  No, they won't be affected.


That's a nice little speech there, too bad no matter what - we are getting the update. And what part of "We are not losing terrains and interiors for just shadows" don't you understand? Apparently you don't understand any of it.

That's what they probably said in Libya.

I doubt it considering the majority wanted the revolution.

Once you realize that terrains and interiors don't fit the theme of Blockland, you embrace this change.

You're coming off as a butthurt child. You also aren't Kompressor and this isn't your own thread to moderate.

I still have the right to inform people that we aren't getting just shadows out of this. If anyone is acting like a "butthurt child" it's the people who can't let go of terrains and interiors and comprehend the fact that with them gone it will make room for improvement.

i don't see why it's necessary for the brick count to be raised, has anyone met it or needed to surpass it?
Well, given that terrain will need to be done with bricks; we may need it raised to compensate for certain people who want to have an entire map's worth of terrain alongside building things.