Author Topic: 2012/02/05 - Shadows and Shaders vs. Interiors and Terrain [Fan Art Too]  (Read 434642 times)

will DTS objects cast shadows on themselves

will DTS objects cast shadows on themselves
omg a legit question for once

i'd hope so anyways

nob th bmob is faek!1 xz<

omg a legit question for once

i'd hope so anyways
lord of the shadows said yes

Wow, I feel like as soon as the v21 update hits, the world goes boom,
I mean a BOMB was supposed to go off near my school today at 1:00pm and the swat team and the cops were there and I was like:
forget me.

Wow, I feel like as soon as the v21 update hits, the world goes boom,
That's an overreaction, imo.

The update will be a pretty nice update. It'll be more like the entire population of Europe suddenly can't breathe for five seconds because of there being too much air freshener or something.

The time has come, after all, for progress. 

The time has come, after all, for progress.  
Noope. Just Chuck Testa.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2012, 06:55:54 PM by blockguy123 »

If you set a map's elevation in the negative zone all shadows for the map are disabled.

Kompressor for being so awesome I made you this:

That's you with your awesome wig and Shadow Lazer 9000.

I'll post some more pictures of you in action latter.