Author Topic: I made my first bong today NOW A DEBATE ON POT  (Read 17734 times)

I still haven't gotten an opinion from anybody who dislikes weed.
id be worse

you're scared of swallowing a 1/4 inch long pill yet you're a'ight with inhaling the chemicals from a plant
who the hell knows whats actually inside the pill

id be worse

Why? There isn't anything bad in it. Just pure THC.

Are you loving handicapped? If it's so harmful, then why does it actually help people with their medical condition?
A large number of cannabis based medicinal drugs are infact taken without smoking.
Often they're taken orally as a tablet.

Most cannabis-based medicines are actually synthetic, such a Cesamet which is used in the US and the UK.
Cannabis' primary componant is THC (Tetrahydrcannibinol) and this causes the effect upon the brain which you recieve when smoking Cannabis, and it is this desired effect which is wanted in medicine, as it is an brown towngesic (painkiller).
The cannabis-based medicines use chemicals that are designed off of THC while a few use actual THC.

The drug is used for multiple disease treatments, including Cancers, Multiple Sclerosis and a few forms of Arthritis.

The difference between a Cannabis-based medicine and Cannabis is that you don't smoke your medicine.
In the case that you are given it to smoke, I've only ever seen it used with those terminally ill.
My grandmother was advised (although not legally) to try smoking some cannabis in the late stages of her cancer once she was told that she wouldn't live longer than a month or two.

If you happen to not be terminally-ill, then you wouldn't be advised to smoke Cannabis because of the byproducts of it.
The papers themselves aren't always good for you and often, particularly in street-cannabis, the cannabis is mixed with Tobacco, which is of course carcinogenic among other things.

What you're arguing here is that Cannabis is bad for you.
Which it's not, and I know that.
But smoking itself is. Inhallation of smoke can cause damage to the throat and lung-tissue, regardless of if it is from tobacco or cannabis.
In quit-smoking tools you can recieve fake-cigarettes to simulat actual smoking, my mother owns one. With it you smoke what is essentially steam with traces of Nicotine and is as such unharmful to you.
You can use Cannabis-based medicine, but it's not likely in the majority to be an actual spliff.
It will be a drug containing THC or a THC-based chemical, like Nabilone.

Long-term regular users of marijuana may become psychologically dependent. They may have a hard time limiting their use, they may need more of the drug to get the same effect, and they may develop problems with their jobs and personal relationships. The drug can become the most important aspect of their lives.-same place

who the hell knows whats actually inside the pill



are you loving handicapped
just get the hell out and look up speed

who the hell knows whats actually inside the pill
Understandable. Tonnes of people have died because of extacy as of late, and hell, they deserve it for using such a stupid drug.

Why? There isn't anything bad in it. Just pure THC.
Assuming THC is one of the main bad chemicals (it damages and impairs brain cells), it's like you took out the plant bit and just take part of the drug end.

are you loving handicapped
just get the hell out and look up speed
you said you're scared of pills

me not being a drug junkie immediately thought "medicine pills designed to cure ailments" because i don't buy my pills on a street corner, i buy them in a pharmacy

you said you're scared of pills

me not being a drug junkie immediately thought "medicine pills designed to cure ailments" because i don't buy my pills on a street corner, i buy them in a pharmacy
you don't have to be a drug junkie to think that someone could just be lying to you and be selling you rat poison in a pill

YOu know what else damages brain cells? Accidentally banging your head into stuff.
Do I do that daily? Yes. Have I smoked weed? Yes. Am I in the top 10% of my senior class? Yes. Did I get a full ride to college? Yes.



also no im not some angsty little teenage forget. personally i dont give a stuff about drama and relationships and all that stuff. plus im not like some little annoying pre-teen who boasts about drugs and stuff. i just do it whenever.
besides, this was just mostly a test to see if i actually understood how bongs work.
do you happen to buy all your clothing at hottopic and hate "Conformists"?

Assuming THC is one of the main bad chemicals (it damages and impairs brain cells), it's like you took out the plant bit and just take part of the drug end.

do you happen to buy all your clothing at hottopic and hate "Conformists"?

i buy most of my clothing at random department stores in the mall, or stores like champs