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Author Topic: SCP Megatopic - oh wow i havent seen this in a while  (Read 123723 times)


It is already in the game. You use it to get Level 3 keycard or something by putting in a Level 2 keycard and setting it to Fine.

Who else wants an SCP-914?


Addendum: 4/17: Dr. Altered Test Log
Input: 1 copy of the Blockland v20 setup file burned onto a CD (setting: Very Fine)
Output: 1 CD with a "Blockland v507" setup file. Dr. Altered proceeded to install the game. [DATA EXPUNGED] "best game ever" [DATA EXPUNGED], described as "complete nervous system failure" [DATA EXPUNGED]. Dr Altered remains were cremated on █/██/20██.

Object Class: Ke@#%^ SUPR1337KETER!!!!!!1!!!1!111!!#$%^

I wonder if I tried to use SCP 914 on SCP 914 and put it on "Very Fine"

tried to do a dramatic reading of an scp I'd never read before - I failed horribly

I wonder if I tried to use SCP 914 on SCP 914 and put it on "Very Fine"

Addendum: Never. Do this. Again. -O5- █

lmao just saw that today
i was all like wtf

[Data Expunged]

Item #: SCP-998

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Area 998-Alpha has been established in a 20 km radius around the estimated event location of SCP-998. This area is marked as off-limits on all regional maps, and any civilian ships or aircraft attempting to enter the area must be waved off. A Foundation listening ship (currently SCPS Cerberus as of █/██/06) is stationed within Area 998-Alpha and tasked with monitoring local transmissions for evidence of an SCP-998 event.

Description: SCP-998 is a MC-130E "Combat Talon" military transport formerly assigned to the United States Air Force 8th Special Operations Squadron with tail number ███████ and call sign "Blackbird One-Niner". SCP-998 disappeared without a trace on █/██/73 during a covert operation near [DATA EXPUNGED] along with five (5) crew members, three (3) passengers, and a classified cargo. Originally believed to have crashed under adverse weather conditions, a search for the wreckage of SCP-998 was conducted and called off three months later with no results.

On █/█/79, an anomalous radio transmission was detected by a US Navy patrol vessel near the last known location of SCP-998. After thorough brown townysis of the transmission and its contents, SCP-998 was designated and containment protocols established.

Since 1973, contact has been established 11 times with SCP-998.

Addendum 998-1: SCP-998 Contact Log

Date: █/█/79
Subject: USS █████, US Navy patrol vessel
Description: Initial contact. Contact was made for approximately 3 minutes before signal was lost. The sender of the signal, confirmed to be pilot [DATA EXPUNGED] via voice print brown townysis, reported that the aircraft had suffered multiple malfunctions in its navigation systems and requested a position check. USS █████ was unable to locate the source of the signal on radar, and contact was lost shortly thereafter.

Date: ██/█/82
Subject: SCPS Hydra, Foundation listening ship
Description: Anomalous artificial signal lasting 15 seconds detected from Area 998-Alpha. No recognizable information recorded.

Date: █/██/83
Subject: SCPS Hydra, Foundation listening ship
Description: Anomalous artificial signal lasting 32 seconds detected from Area 998-Alpha. Several words were identified in the recording, but no cohesive speech was extracted.

Date: █/█/88
Subject: SCPS Artemis, Foundation listening ship
Description: Contact made, lasting approximately 93 seconds. Similar to initial contact, a strained voice was heard, reporting that navigation systems were offline and requesting a position check. The signal also indicated that the craft was lost in fog.

Date: █/██/89
Subject: SCPS Artemis, Foundation listening ship
Description: Contact made for almost 27 minutes, the longest out of any recorded SCP-998 event. During this time, Foundation personnel gave several instructions to the crew of SCP-998 and multiple Foundation search aircraft were deployed in an attempt to locate the source of the signal. Communications during this time indicated that the craft was still lost within heavy fog despite the complete absence of adverse weather in the region, and that they could not see the sun or anything that could give them a reference. Foundation assets were unable to establish visual contact with the source, and eventually contact was lost shortly after the crew of SCP-998 indicated that they thought they saw something in the fog.

Date: ██/█/93
Subject: SCPS Taurus, Foundation listening ship
Description: An extremely faint signal was picked by automated recording systems, and was not discovered until the tapes were later brown townyzed. The recording consists only of a three-second burst of static, and the word "help".

Date: █/█/94
Subject: SCPS Taurus, Foundation listening ship
Description: Contact made. Transmission was very clear, and consisted of 19 seconds of screaming from multiple subjects before being abruptly cut off. No coherent speech was recorded.

Description: [DATA EXPUNGED]

Description: [DATA EXPUNGED]

Description: [DATA EXPUNGED]

Description: [DATA EXPUNGED]

oh hey i found creepypastas on the website :D