Author Topic: mawty's banned  (Read 10729 times)

I noticed this too lol.

damn it badspot, colten is being a huge douche to lizzy, and you accept his report
whatever. it'll probably only be a week or something

damn it badspot, colten is being a huge douche to lizzy, and you accept his report
whatever. it'll probably only be a week or something
I've always disliked colten
he's a cigaretteT

I didn't know mawty very well, what I knew of him was funny.

damn it badspot, colten is being a huge douche to lizzy, and you accept his report
whatever. it'll probably only be a week or something
It doesnt matter if Im mean to her or not, she just called someone a friend for no reason.

It doesnt matter if Im mean to her or not, she just called someone a friend for no reason.
look you're crying because someone got insulted.

It doesnt matter if Im mean to her or not, she just called someone a friend for no reason.
you're surprised?
this is the blockland forums lol

Too late, bitch. You gay homo.

User was banned for this post

Too late, bitch. You gay homo.

User was banned for this post

Too late, bitch. You gay homo.

User was banned for this post

look you're crying because someone got insulted.
Lizzy was never mean to me lol

Lizzy was never mean to me lol
Yet you are a massive richard to her?

The amount of people who are upset about mawty being banned astounds me

So when people are idiots by nature it's annoying and everyone hates it, but when someone pretends to be stupid constantly as a joke it's funny?

seems legit