
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 432686 times)

That is something but it's still not anything like stocking's consistent performance in pvp

Holy hell rammus is so much fun. Top 2 games are jungle, bottom 2 are support. The very bottom and 2nd to top the enemy surrendered.

For some reason when I don't duo queue I get better teammates

For some reason when I don't duo queue I get better teammates
When ever I play with my brother and his friends (4 of us in total) we always get the worst random.

Yeah I believe atm I'm going 4/1 in placements and the one loss was when I duo'd with a friend

I went 6/4 placements and bronze 1. :(

Ranked solo queue rule #495 Be consistent:
Be versatile with your roles, but keep your champion pool to champions you're comfortable playing as.

Ranked solo queue rule #495 Be consistent:
Be versatile with your roles, but keep your champion pool to champions you're comfortable playing as.
[im g width=1000 height=581]http://puu.sh/6rjHU/308d0b95b7.jpg[/img][im g]http://puu.sh/6rnrd/b7d4cc8607.jpg[/img]


first few games playing twisted tree line and omfg im dominating ^^


y ur team die so much?

Yay, got to silver 4 after a win streak. I still hate how I went from gold 1 to silver 5.

I don't think ill be making it back to Bronze III :(

So far ive lost 5 matches. One was a leave because the game wouldnt let me load untill i repatched it.