
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 432713 times)

it should be easier to place higher the lower you are, but in your future games you're probably going to be up against players much better than you but they just tanked MMR super hard during placements
ya getting a ton of golds on my team though it seems
my total winrate is still at 66.7%, we'll see how that holds up

the only purpose akali serves in league of legends is to snowball super hard at low elos where everyone is bad and plays too aggressively
Alright fine, I'll calm you and play someone else. Any suggestions?
Results in a bit.

You'd be surprised how high of a skillcap akali has.

Alright fine, I'll calm you

why would i be upset that you play a noob champ lol, it seems to be a common theme among furries to mistake criticism for complaining

Blitzcrank is oodles of fun. I managed to pull an Annie on the enemy team into the spawn while they tried to take our Nexus and they got obliterated by the spawn defense turret. We lost, but that was beautiful.

why would i be upset that you play a noob champ lol, it seems to be a common theme among furries to mistake criticism for complaining
can you leave

why would i be upset that you play a noob champ lol, it seems to be a common theme among furries to mistake criticism for complaining
Stocking, just because a champion has a kit that gives that champion extremely high burst / mobility doesn't mean its a noob champion.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 09:33:52 PM by Evar678 »

Yeah I don't think Akali is a noob champion.  I think that she's a decently hard champion to play well, it's nowhere near the level that Cass takes but it's hell of a lot harder to play akali well than Shyvana, for example.

I'm at 74 LP already
I think I might make it into gold pretty soon if I'm consistent

The thing about sticking to your champion pool really is right though
If I stick to like leona, lulu, trist, and fizz, I'm set

Stocking, just because a champion has a kit that gives that champion extremely high burst / mobility doesn't mean its a noob champion.

shes a very niche, easily counterable champion by anyone with any kind of skill.

the only thing akali specializes in is sniping new players and snowballing into god mode

Yeah I don't think Akali is a noob champion.  I think that she's a decently hard champion to play well, it's nowhere near the level that Cass takes but it's hell of a lot harder to play akali well than Shyvana, for example.

none of the champions in league are hard, you only have anywhere between 4 and 8 abilities to keep track of and the game mechanics in general are extremely simple. i went 2200 in WoW which is extremely similar except you'd have between 15 and 50 abilities to keep track of and about 200 different game mechanics to keep track of.

every champion is counterable

none of the champions in league are hard
it all depends on the person,
i find akali, syndra, lee sin, sion, and kayle to be very hard to play

shes a very niche, easily counterable champion by anyone with any kind of skill.

the only thing akali specializes in is sniping new players and snowballing into god mode
This is highly incorrect. Any good Akali player won't have an issue with getting 'countered'. When you're vs a counter that's actually good, all you need to do is sit back and farm. Akali should never die in lane if she's playing passively. As soon as level 6 hits you can roam to top or bot to pick up an easy kill, or to counter gank lanes.
Picking off 'new players' is what she specializes in if you play her that way, which is the completely wrong way to play her. Her mechanics are easy to use, very hard to master.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 10:32:40 PM by Evar678 »

every champion is counterable
it all depends on the person,
i find akali, syndra, lee sin, sion, and kayle to be very hard to play
can you explain why kayle is hard for you to play?

i find akali, syndra, lee sin, sion, and kayle to be very hard to play

i mean theyre relatively hard to play as opposed to something like mundo or heimerdinger, but as long as youre not a handicap there's nothing complicated about them.

the reason i called akali a noobchamp is because she becomes pretty much useless at elos where people dont have down syndrome, and like 99% of smurfs play akali because even without runes or masteries it's handicappedly easy to snowball on new players who think winning lane means zerg rushing their opponent or standing right outside their opponent's turret

This is highly incorrect. Any good Akali player won't have an issue with getting 'countered'. When you're vs a counter that's actually good, all you need to do is sit back and farm. Akali should never die in lane if she's playing passively. As soon as level 6 hits you can roam to top or bot to pick up an easy kill, or to counter gank lanes.

That's what she specializes in if you play her that way, which is the completely wrong way to play her. Her mechanics are easy to use, very hard to master.

akali falls off late game if she plays passively, that's what im talking about. if everyone on the opponent's team knows what they're doing and they don't let you get kills, you become pretty much useless late game compared to champions like ziggs, kayle, or swain.

i mean sure you can play her well enough to maybe make it into gold, and you'll probably go like 30 to 0 a lot of games, but you're not going diamond if you main akali.

can you explain why kayle is hard for you to play?

lots and lots and lots of clicking. kiting is tricky and kayle is the kind of champ that if you get too ballsy you're going to die instantly with.

stocking seriously you shouldn't talk if you don't know what you're talking about

for one thing, there are a few pro players (ie Voyboy, Westrice) who basically got their names playing akali. i'm pretty sure that's high enough elo for it to be considered not a 'noob champ'.

evar is 100% right here and i'm sorry but you probably shouldn't try to generalize things to what you see at pre-30 levels because no stuff people are going to be playing snowbally champs against people who don't know how to play. if you're smurfing you don't want to spend a bunch of time leveling up your account you just want the games to go fast and the way to do that is to snowball early win games early get xp fast...

...and the reason you don't see people play her at high(ish) elos often is because it takes skill to master her (like evar is saying) and at that level of play on that kind of a champ you really need to master the champ, which is sometimes not worth doing if it would take a lot of effort

tl;dr sorry bud but you should probably play more before you start calling champs 'noob champs' and acting like your level of play is universal because it isn't

lol man rogues are the same way in WoW, super overpowered at low mmr/elo with an average skill cap, but basically useless at higher-level play with only the absolute best players being able to actually play them. akali is the same exact thing, unless this furry is super amazing at the game he's going to just keep dominating low elo and then teeter off once people are actually good.