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57 (35.2%)
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46 (28.4%)
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36 (22.2%)
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23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 432578 times)

[im g]http://puu.sh/5pHts/f3df0f5eca.png[/img]

"Abilitizzle Juice"
Oh my god my side


bolsta her survivabilitizzle n' let her evolve tha forget into a gangbangin' full tank as tha game progresses.

oh my god this is great

ok really what is this?! hahaha

randomly skimmed it through

ta select a gangbangin' finger-lickin' different skin
Losin a inhibitor often puts a crew behind fo' a long-ass period of time wit few opportunitizzles fo' retaliation. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch.
We addin a additionizzle reward ta playas whoz ass git a stuffload of assists, n' you can put dat on yo' toast.

Waited for Nasus VU and Infernal Nasus for 1 month.

Been playing nasus alot and I'd say I'm pretty good at him, especially when I was against 2 very good nasuses, who had very good stacks.

(note: I didn't play nasus in a row max 1 game between the games)


I'm sad, no duo-release. Yone is ded. :c

Also, 5$ says Riven is the one who actually killed the elder because "Wind Slash"

This match rocked. :D

Every lane was losing except mine. I had like 6/0 at first. 2nd time lux. xD

They recovered mid game. Flanking us and doing their stuff. Compare their assists to our and you get the point.

The playssss.. man this was fun.

I got 1 shot by a nasus with 1.3k stacks, he crit me and hit for 4.6k

ohh, the struggle~
fukn 1 mORE IP
someone donate 1 ip to the "Ayxrion Charity Group©"

I hate Nasus with a passion. League turns into trying to stop Nasus from playing an MMORPG in the top lane. Whenever that is over though, he just chunks people with 1 Q

Not to mention his wither makes an adc completely useless

Not to mention his wither makes an adc completely useless
And that it's on a relatively low cooldown

champs like fiora and WW are either broken or wtf
they're super invulnerable late-game, can penta the team easily

i was fed in this one game, so was fiora
i couldnt even lay a single FINGER on her, next thing you know i'm dead.

note this;
she had ~600 hp, i had full hp.
loving bullstuff.

fun fact

the popular opinion of fiora is that she underpowered (she is)

She isn't that good in higher elos, but in the lower parts, nobody knows how to deal with her at all and she gets fed

fun fact

the popular opinion of fiora is that she underpowered (she is)
well i suck ok??
level 20 = sucks
u guys are like plat I an yways ;(
« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 01:39:13 AM by Ayxrion »