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Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 432133 times)

Why to bait hook:
Put it on cooldown so you can harass safely. It might be better to have Thresh hook on your terms.

You're right. what I should have said is: You never need to bait a hook when you are too much of a dumb ass to know that you need to move when you see him wind up his grab, and that his hook's collision is pretty damn small.


im saying that i move out of the way but i dont account for the hitbox that's 3 times the size of the actual projectile

but the important thing is that you found a way to feel superior to somebody else so i guess that counts for something

did a couple games with nethog

realized i have so much to learn about league
Pretty much what I was trying to tell you before you deleted me from league and steam.

Why to bait hook:
Put it on cooldown so you can harass safely. It might be better to have Thresh hook on your terms.
either this or to ensure that a friendly gank is going to go down well

Here, this is how I think about dodging hooks (and anything really, but mostly for hooks)

1. Predict when he's going to try to hook you; Watch his positioning. Are there any allied minions between you and the enemy? Is he actively trying to find an angle that he can land a hook?
2. Determine how to move. You don't want to just react as soon as you see it coming, you're going to want to react based on context and timing. You want to give yourself the most chance of dodging a hook, so think about this: Are you more than 3/4ths the range of his hook away from him? If you are, your best bet is to run backwards at an angle to get outside of the range of the hook. Why an angle? Because the range on abilities is a set distance in all directions from the champion; basically, it's a circle with a radius of <ability range>, originating from the champion. Moving on two axis will better your chances of dodging it. If you're any closer than about 3/4ths the max range, then you need to sidestep it. Make sure there aren't any minions or terrain in your path, and simply move out of the path of the skillshot.
3. Plan B. If you don't have a way to move out of a hook (ie minion blocked), then you might want to use a distance closer or blink to get out of the way. I wouldn't blow flash on it unless theres a high potential of you being killed as a result.

One thing that also helps is to orb walk at all times while farming. It keeps your champion mobile. If he tries to hook you and you're already moving; unless he's good and predicted your orb walk movement, chances are that he'll miss. Additionally, you can continuously re-position yourself out of harm's way while orb walking in lane.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2014, 03:27:41 PM by Evar678 »

Whooooo lagginess
still went 10/1/3 but DC'd once and had huuuge lag

i dont know about you guys, but i think a lot of projectiles (jinx's zap!, ashes ult, thresh's hook, blitz grab) has SUPER huge hitboxes that are bigger than the actual thing.

i dont know about you guys, but i think a lot of projectiles (jinx's zap!, ashes ult, thresh's hook, blitz grab) has SUPER huge hitboxes that are bigger than the actual thing.
Other way around. Champions have super huge hitboxes.

I've gotten pulled by blitz and hit by nid's explosive spears even though there was a minion in the line of the shot. Not talking on an angle or anything, directly in front of me.

i dont know about you guys, but i think a lot of projectiles (jinx's zap!, ashes ult, thresh's hook, blitz grab) has SUPER huge hitboxes that are bigger than the actual thing.

jinx's zap is another one that really irks me lol

its just like, i always feel like an idiot when it hits because the projectile is soooo much smaller than the hitbox

The thing about jinx's zap is that whenever I support I feel like I need to dive in front of it to save the adc because they stay in at like 100 health. Actually any skill shot I feel like I have to do that.

Edit: It's 28 minutes now ;-;
« Last Edit: February 21, 2014, 05:53:53 PM by Funnelcakes »

The thing about jinx's zap is that whenever I support I feel like I need to dive in front of it to save the adc because they stay in at like 100 health. Actually any skill shot I feel like I have to do that.
I've gotten so good at catching skillshots for ADCs that I can now dodge pretty much anything.

I've gotten so good at catching skillshots for ADCs that I can now dodge pretty much anything.
I've gotten into this bad habit where I sometimes eat the skillshot even if my ADC wasn't in danger of getting hit. I'm just so used to moving in front of them to take it, it just happens naturally now.

AP Tris is so fun.
One shotting everyone every 40 seconds or so is hilarious.

OT: Don't know about you guys but I rarely if ever catch Nidalee's murder spears, and this is playing as a crippled bird demon in mid.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2014, 07:18:58 AM by LegendZ »