Author Topic: 2012/07/24 - Environmental Controls Preview  (Read 229319 times)

who wants to know the question on the millemium?
when will v21 / r54637624726 be released?
When it's done.

When it's done.
oh god like I haven't seen those words ever!

oh god like I haven't seen those words ever!
Then quit asking.

It's not like Badspot is going to tell you.

really dark (k)night update
Includes movie theater massacres. :cookieMonster: Yes, sue me, I made that joke.

Includes movie theater massacres. :cookieMonster: Yes, sue me, I made that joke.
stop being such a JOKER

Includes movie theater massacres. :cookieMonster: Yes, sue me, I made that joke.
too soon, bro

It's been said that there is no v21, so we shall now replace v21 with 'the next revision' :cookieMonster:

more like what the people who know what they're talking about have been calling it all along: the SS update
and don't start making national socialist jokes, please

Shadows and Shaders?
I did national socialist that coming.

more like what the people who know what they're talking about have been calling it all along: the SS update
and don't start making national socialist jokes, please
Kompressor must be Riddler and supporters of "V21" are his SS-men. People who hate it are Jews.

national socialist Update:
- Riddler beard. (Looks great!)
- SS Look. (Oh WOW!)
- No brown, only lighter colors.
- Riddler quotes.

Can't wait for it!
Sieg heil!

Kompressor must be Riddler and supporters of "V21" are his SS-men. People who hate it are Jews.
How did you find out? It was supposed to be a secret.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 07:37:43 AM by Cajetan »

There's no reason not to increment the version number along with the revision number - This is a major update, after all. It'd be like... I don't know, marking the Xbox 360 Slim as just "Xbox 360" but having a higher number than the original one somewhere on the case. It deserves it's own title.

excitement is rising...