Author Topic: 2012/08/09 - Shader Update Released  (Read 167883 times)

When setting the day/night cycle speed, it removes the last digit from whatever speed I type in.

For example if I set it to 100, hit apply and come back, it will be set to 10. 1000, 100. 10000, 1000. Etc.

Also the new server menu is horrible, the font is way too large and its overall ugly. Aside from that its an awesome update and it was worth the wait! :D
Just wanted to update this, Im now also experiencing the opposite effect. Where Ill set it to 100 and when I come back its set to 1000, if I remove a zero and apply + come back its set to 1000 again. It makes it impossible to tell what speed my sun is at.

Sigh...This should have been tested more

i agree, sigh......

Why the forget do I have to be sleeping over at a friend house? WHHHYYYYY

Rampage Mode is so much fun, lol.

You can't change skybox/ground/water in the Advanced tab, and using the ones in Simple resets everything

Well so far on any server i have joined i have fully loaded but when im suppose to go and spawn, i crash instantly, any help? its happening to my lil bro too : |  HELP??!
« Last Edit: August 10, 2012, 01:37:43 AM by Ashley_4118 »

I think I'll wait a few weeks for all the issues to be ironed out before I get into this.

You can't change skybox/ground/water in the Advanced tab, and using the ones in Simple resets everything
This is also a huge problem. It makes more sense for the Advanced tab to be a more... well, advanced, version of the simple tab. Like I can setup simple and then customize it more fully in advanced. They shouldnt be two separate scenarios where the simple tab is a completely different lighting experience than the advance tab.

I think I'll wait a few weeks for all the issues to be ironed out before I get into this.
before many of us even CAN get into it....

Enable it in Options silly goose

Why wouldn't they make intel cards compatible, most people have them.

Getting error message whenever i join a server "Bad Datablock from server" thx badspot, made my day- uhh, i mean night

i just found why this was happening, for anyone getting this error, its because you have a dedi. v:20 server most likely still up :\