Author Topic: Earth 6.5- The Official "No nukes" version  (Read 147205 times)

Yeah, that works.  The Commissions Review Board can be a department within it.

New Manhattan has created a cross between its gaussian technology and its railgun technology to create the most badass weapon ever.  Two of them are mounted on that spacecraf Erinam gave us.

Telar will send researchers to the new planet. Hopefully there will be some interesting genetic traits in the life forms there that can be incorporated into Teleri super soldiers.

Telar teleports a lot of ice to a planet the approximate size and distance from a yellow sun as Hera. When the ice melts, Telar plans to teleport the foundations of a marine ecosystem there.

The Teleri Confederation begins work on its own space flagship. It will be a giant sphere the approximate size of Hera's moon. The colony will be very instrumental in procuring resources for this. The flagship will have the most powerful weaponry Telar can fabricate and its own superteleporter. The energy that the antimatter generators (I'm already using these. I just plan to put some on the flagship) produce should be sufficient for that as well as to maintain a force field around the ship should the need arise. This is going to be really expensive, but with the superteleporter, ore extraction and resource transportation are easy enough that if the project is spread out over a few years, this will work out okay. The "Fabritzio" will set forth soon.

Telar considers creating a massive array of super efficient solar panels that completely surrounds a high energy output star. Plans suspended until the flagship is complete and more resources can be procured. Should this plan ever go through, Telar will never have any energy problems again.

Erinaum demoted its current flagship, Areonautilus to a lower status.  Using the immense metal stores from D3469-A, H2093-D and H2093-G, Erinaum plans to build an enormous flagship.  It uses energy-repellant fields and EMP barriers to resist the Saardenau-389's solar wind and electromagnetic waves.  IGAC-II "ßærnüm" and IGAC-I "Ezjbåtü" begin to store up on the extensive stores of metal from these planets, and begin to teleport it back to the Heran system for processing.

New IGAC Units manufactured.


Biologist discover a creature, which has sources of stable gravintanuim in it. It can teleport.

Biologist discover a creature, which has sources of stable gravintanuim in it. It can teleport.
Gravitanium and organic life do not mix.  It will strip any object of Oxygen and absorb it.

This is what happens when it comes in contact with Gravitanium.

14H2O(l) + Gn(p)  -->  GnO14(g) + 28H2(g) + Energy

The energy it produces is extremely high in amount, which is enough to combust the Hydrogen gas, and poisonous and corrosive Gravitanium Oxide gas.  When this gas comes in contact with water, it creates Gravatic Acid.  Gravatic Acid cannot be contained in anything except White Carbon containers.  Gravatic Acid emits electricity as it is extremely unstable.

So no.  You cannot put Gravitanium and Biological life together.  Also, the ability to teleport, as is known by the modern Teleri method, is to disassemble the object, and reassemble it in the other location.  Plus, as I said earlier, Gravitanium cannot be stabilized more than Gn-158 and still be called Gravitanium.  After it decays from Gn-158, it decays to several random elements.  Gravitanium cannot be used in the process of teleportation.

Can I have the spot under Olvaia?

Country name:Imusterra

Flag(Make it with Paint.NET or a flag creating program):

Government type:Capitalistic Republic

Allies:None yet.

Population(Max is 15,000,000 for now):3,000,000


National Anthem*:


Weaponry*:Not willing to release information yet.

If you mean to start a new nation, you'd have to declare independence from another country.  Except for maybe starting with a few tiny islands, all large territories are taken.

Kintharia's probes have left Darwin IV, leaving only a satellite orbiting, and gathering information.
A new hypervelocity railgun, clocking at Mach 92.326, is the most powerful Kintharian weapon available. Shattering the sound barrier and leaving it weeping because it's a loving pusillanimous individual, this weapon's projectiles are made of diamond, so that upon impact, the diamond shatters into a million tiny little razor sharp 3000 KM/h fragments, like a fragmentation grenade, except with diamonds traveling at Mach 92.

If you mean to start a new nation, you'd have to declare independence from another country.  Except for maybe starting with a few tiny islands, all large territories are taken.
I didn't see any of this in the OP, and there is clearly a huge open space under Olvaia.

I'm not reading through 246 pages of this just to start a new country.

Holy stuff.

I didn't see any of this in the OP, and there is clearly a huge open space under Olvaia.
That's Swat 3's country.

Holy stuff.
That's Swat 3's country.
Do you mean the map just hasn' been updated? If so can I have the island in the bottom left?

Also I don't see in the OP anything about declaring independence.

Kintharia's probes have left Darwin IV, leaving only a satellite orbiting, and gathering information.
A new hypervelocity railgun, clocking at Mach 92.326, is the most powerful Kintharian weapon available. Shattering the sound barrier and leaving it weeping because it's a loving pusillanimous individual, this weapon's projectiles are made of diamond, so that upon impact, the diamond shatters into a million tiny little razor sharp 3000 KM/h fragments, like a fragmentation grenade, except with diamonds traveling at Mach 92.
jesus h. christ

Do you mean the map just hasn' been updated? If so can I have the island in the bottom left?
Yes, and have at it.

Also I don't see in the OP anything about declaring independence.
I'm not sure either.  My guess is that since you are allowed to do terrorist attacks and covert operations, a long string of these could be interpreted as revolution, which would make sense.