Author Topic: ►►►The Daily Life of Badspot  (Read 27307 times)

7:00 PM

Badspot and Claire go skydiving and both of their pairs of shoes fall off. NOOOOOOOO!

8:00 pm

They land the shoes hit them in the head.

9:00 pm

Tails turns up and goes

"hai guys what i miss?"

Badspot stares.

12:00 - Badspot has love with an inflatable doll.

2:44 AM

Claire walks away

2:45 AM
Badspot stabs Tails in the chest with a 10 inch steel polished light weight aerodynamic dagger and throws a 10 inch steel polished light weight aerodynamic "loveytime?" at Claire.

3:00 AM Badspot goes into a spyralling depression after realizing his "lovey time" is streamlined, but only 1 inch long.

3.01 Claire walks further away.

4:00 AM Badspot gets a call from tails's lawyer.  he's being sued.

7:00 AM: Badspot has a strange feeling that life has become an RTS game.

8:00 AM  Badspot finds that he needs additonal pylons.

8:30 He relizes this was a major bump and bans lord pie

8:00 AM Badspot finds that he needs additonal pylons.
but he doesnt have enough minerals
(and wtf colten)

9:00 - goes the ban {Awoke, me, for drucken typuing for comin home druck,a nd pasing the time reping to posyt/.