Author Topic: 2012/10/04 - Blockland r1741  (Read 41071 times)

Whenever I see these bug fixes im like "ooooo". Thanks for fixing the .ogg Corrupted file bug, I used to get stuck on loading with one of the songs I had

I still have r1730! I restarted BL, 3 times, and it still gives me 1730! What should I do?

I have a question, will the Blockland launcher still load on Steam like how it does now? If not will the default Blockland files still get replaced when launched via Steam? Will you change the launcher so that it just reads the files and replaces default add-ons and then leave the updating to Steam?

I LOVE the door bricks, they're fantastic!

If Badspot deletes BL from greenlight for being unwanted and hated we get a red light?

If Badspot deletes BL from greenlight for being unwanted and hated we get a red light?
Failed joke attempt, nice try though. I can't seem to find the Brick doors, are they in special?

Am i doing something wrong or is JVS completely broken now?

Awesome! Here's a screenshot of all the doors:


add door brick that only open and don't close


add door brick that only open and don't close
Unfortunately they don't close on their own, yeah.

Still amazing work by Badspot. Screw JVS.

Unfortunately they don't close on their own, yeah.

Still amazing work by Badspot. Screw JVS.
i wonder if people would say the same about the ion cannon haha