Author Topic: Uganda Passes ‘Kill the Gays’ Bill  (Read 6779 times)

Remember:  They kill each other for being gay based off of the presence of HIV.  Most of the people have HIV, if I remember, due to the poor protection down there.
Where the hell are you getting your information?
Like honestly, all I can give you is a huge forget you.

We should drown gays in hot grease!

Where the hell are you getting your information?
Like honestly, all I can give you is a huge forget you.

"...Uganda is now the only country in East Africa where the AIDS rate is actually rising."

Just from using Google.  I'm not tribal, but I do hate their mentality.

If most people there have HIV, this means that they, for the most part, all support this bill being passed.

Most of them want the gays to die.

It's pretty much a complete democracy.  Acting like I'm tribal doesn't make them like you for defending them, also.  They aren't reading this topic, so attacking me really accomplishes nothing.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 05:48:39 PM by Jerkface »

"...Uganda is now the only country in East Africa where the AIDS rate is actually rising."

Just from using Google.  I'm not tribal, but I do hate their mentality.
Ok yeah I'm pretty sure he's talking about the "killing people for having AIDS" part

So third world countries get democracy and then they use it to make bills like this.  GG africa.  You sure are keeping up with the world.

How does voting in Uganda even work? Like, is there any sureness that it's fair at all?

How does voting in Uganda even work? Like, is there any sureness that it's fair at all?
There's no sureness anywhere, not even in the USA

I suppose not, but I'm considerably more confident that votes in the U.S. are fairly counted than in Uganda.

the homos can just leave uganda, no?
technically yes
but not everyone has the means to leave their country.

or for that matter, they can't tell if they will even be allowed across the border.

obama had already had an illegal war with uganda. 1 of 8 countries

hes a record breaker for presidents starting wars for our country. but everyone at home has no clue its taking place
100 soldiers is nothing. a single u.s. military base in germany will have 40 times the amount of people.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 09:36:37 PM by Saber15 »

technically yes
but not everyone has the means to leave their country.

or for that matter, they can't tell if they will even be allowed across the border.
why would that not be allowed to cross the border? how would they even know they are gay in the first place? its not like they would pull up at the gate rubbing each others richards or something.

Yeah, I mean, it can't be that hard to find some women willing to play along as their girlfriend's or something. It's awful that Uganda'd do this, but assuming they have the means to escape, they should be able to.

Ahh. The continent of slightly intelligent apes never ceases to entertain me.
hate to break up your tribal train of thoughts, but not every country in africa is a backwater stuffhole

why would that not be allowed to cross the border? how would they even know they are gay in the first place? its not like they would pull up at the gate rubbing each others richards or something.

a country isn't going to let everyone cross, especially if relations aren't cordial. being gay has nothing to do with it - they may simply not let people across without bribes.

Uganda's pretty well developed, so it is a little surprising that they'd pull this off, yes. However, when you consider how very religious they are, it's actually a little bit expected. Really, the only reason other heavily religious places don't do this is because of the bad publicity it would bring. It's a little impressive that they're getting away with it.
Frankly, you'd have to be kind of dumb to be a gay living in Uganda anyway; Prejudice and abuse against gays and many other minorities has always been very prevalent in the country, so this would be all the more reason to get out now.

I feel sorry for the young or poor gays, especially. Those who can't leave.

EDIT: Although I guess that's not too different than anyone else in the closet. Except that this closet is guarded by the grim reaper. :v