Author Topic: Steam Christmas Sale: 'tis the season for consumerism  (Read 14429 times)

Will There be coal like last year?
If not I'm gonna be sad.

Will There be coal like last year?
If not I'm gonna be sad.
I don't see any, It got badges like the summer sale :(

you can get the badge on the first day lol

10-item wishlist, mobile login, gift purchase, self purchase

First day of sales: underwhelming

*Yawn**Checks Steam Sale*
Nothing of interest to me that I don't already own or not interested in. Oh well there's tomorrow.

Also, does anyone want to trade me something for my spare NS2 Code?

I think I'll pick up Intrusion 2 in the flash sale and heavily consider Borderlands 2

so after this I think it's safe to say intrusion 2 is definitely worth picking up for under $4
« Last Edit: December 20, 2012, 03:27:10 PM by Regulith »

I really want Ace Of Spades. I have no money though.

Hoping to buy one of the crysis games, skyrim or the left 4 dead games. I'd rather have the new killing floor dlc though

ArmA II CO please?
Steam is BulletGojira

Mirror's Edge for ~$3? Why doesn't everyone have this right now. Incredible deal if you ask me.

I really want Ace Of Spades. I have no money though.

don't get it

it's not worth it

Is Natural Selection worth $10 right now?

from what I've heard it's got a huge learning curve but it's fun when you get it down

Is Natural Selection worth $10 right now?

Bought Mirror's Edge for $5. I've been wanting to play it for a while and now I can.