
x86 Or ARM?


Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Personal Computer - Updated builds thanks to Logical Increments  (Read 1330688 times)

guys need help cleaning up my ssd

my top sized installs

why the hell is punkbuster so huge lol

also why is steam so huge? this is my installed library right now.

and all these things show on the installer list as individual programs anyways, so that shouldnt even be included in "steam", whatever that is.
the entire steam folder under programs is only 18g...
« Last Edit: November 06, 2014, 04:00:20 PM by Bisjac »

Once I get my GTX 980 and all the other computer components, I'll take some pictures. I've been waiting for a long time to be able to post in this thread with my own stuff, and it's finally happening :D
Can't wait to see your build. :)

Also, Bisjac, that is some scary stuff.

guys i have a friend with a computer software question and I don't know how to answer it. Could you guys please help me out?

Hey guys, I have a bit of a PC Gaming question here. Well, it's one my friend asked, and frankly, it makes no sense to me, so I'll ask you guys to see if you can understand what he's asking.

Friend: byw does it run on Direct X?
Planr: i dont understand the question
Planr: how would directx play any role in whether or not you can run it
Planr: thats like asking "can my car run on a half tank of gas if my air conditioning unit is working"
Planr: the two are totally unrelated
Friend: because wishout DirectX, tehgame might not detect my graphics card
Planr: explain
Friend: do you know what DirectX is?
Friend: ill tell you
Friend: it lets windows programs(including games) detect the hardware they run on
Friend: thats how the games know what speakers to use, what mic, etc.
Friend: if the game dosent support DirectX, it has a high chance of not detecting my graphics card, which i quite putdated
Friend: outdated*
Friend: and no graphics card= 1-2 FPS
Friend: Have i ever told you about my dissapointment with Quacke Live?
Planr: no
Friend: Quake*
Friend: well, i love Quake like my life
Friend: and Live came out, and i was so happy, so i got it
Friend: but, it used OpenGL, a program similar to DirectX
Friend: i dont have OpenGl tho, and that resulted in the game not detecting my graphics card
Friend: not even the speakers
Friend: i had 1-2 FPS and screwed up sound

From what i've gotten, he's asking if he needs DirectX to run a Java-based game, because he thinks it wont detect his graphics card without DirectX. He's told me before that DirectX is the alternative to OpenGL, but I don't really know what he's talking about.
So can someone please help me out here in understanding what he's talking about?

The only problem I have with DVI > VGA is that it has a slight horizontal streak, which is only visible when two solid colors meet, pretty much unnoticeable anywhere but the forum.

Must be your monitor, I have no such thing and I use an adapter for mine.
I also use a CRT if that makes any difference.

Must be your monitor, I have no such thing and I use an adapter for mine.
I also use a CRT if that makes any difference.

Everything is fine when I have my Xbox plugged in via HDMI. And I don't use HDMI on my computer because it has some bad contrast issues when used with a computer, I guess PC's use a different format of HDMI than consoles and players, monitor doesn't do the PC format correctly. :I

my stuffty harddrive finally failed so i used that as an excuse to buy a new one :)

im gonna go pick up a normal hdd from a local place

i am in need of assistance-- my pc has been useless for many months now due to a hard drive failure, and i believe it's time for a new setup

If yall could help me figure out what's good for a gaming build that's on-par with or better than next-gen consoles for around 500 usd that'd be great. I'm in no need of a new case of hsf

What would be more valuable to water cool, my cpu or my gpu?

What would be more valuable to water cool, my cpu or my gpu?
I would think GPU since they get pretty hot once they start working, CPU is usually pretty easy to fan cool as long as you don't overclock too much.

But don't take my word for it, I think Bisjac would be the guy to answer that.

I would think GPU since they get pretty hot once they start working, CPU is usually pretty easy to fan cool as long as you don't overclock too much.

But don't take my word for it, I think Bisjac would be the guy to answer that.
I'd agree, but I'm also no expert on it. From what I've heard though, just better cooling alone can increase GPU performance a bit.

What would be more valuable to water cool, my cpu or my gpu?
not a fan of watercooling, though

I've thrown out logic and the theory of having a Steambox as a way of playing games on your living room TV.

I call this the SteamTab or Steam Tablet

Utilizing the steam in-home streaming you can bring your games through a simple laptop or even tablet in this case, to your TV so long as you have 1920x1080 HDMI out and a mouse and keyboard laying around.

Just have to perfect this a bit more so I can tuck it away better.


Someone alert Stockholm, I sense a Nobel prize in the works.

that looks cool but my tabs only have the 1 micro usb.
maybe a splitter would work.

also. holy stuff!