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Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Personal Computer - Updated builds thanks to Logical Increments  (Read 1331295 times)

Also, Since I want to do some cable management with a big case (NZXT Phantom 820) will I need any extending cables for things like the PSU and what not so I can reach? Or will the cables that come with the CORSAIR HX Series HX750 750W be fine?
Just built a computer with the phantom, despite it's large size most things are easily long enough, there were no problems.

Hehe, I'm gonna post a pic of mine when I get home. But I'm afraid you might hop on the next plane, hunt me done and kill me if I do.
But I blame my PSU. Next time I'll get a modular one. My current one comes with this huge bunch of cables that I can't hide anywhere. The 8-pin cable for the mobo is too short so I have to run it straigth through my case instead of tucking it away neatly. The same goes for the fans. The fan headers are situated in really inconvenient places on the mobo. The fact that I've got a big-ass CPU heatsink doesn't help either :/

Any suggestions on how to fix the mess that comes from non-modular power supplies?

I stuffed the spare cables on the bottom and tied what I could. I haven't had any heat troubles yet.

I have been for somewhere around the past 30mins-1hr.
It might just be the placebo affect, my HDD is kinda loud in this case, possibly due to the way these new HDD docking things aren't as enclosed as old HDD bays so everything is feeling much slower than it is.

I have a 1TB Caviar Black too, I've heard these hard drives can be noisy for people. I guess this hard drive needs to be secured flawlessly and tightly to work best.

I feel like the only person with a 2TB hard drive.

I mean, I don't have a problem with noise since 90% of the time I'm listening to music on full volume anyway it's just that I associate HDD noise with HDD activity, the louder it is the more it's struggling.
So I guess it's probably the placebo effect, games and stuff run fine

wogm i just want a headset gawrsh
that one looks cool though
EDIT: the reviews are kinda iffy. anything better?
preferably something that'll last a while

You really can't find anything that will "last" for $40 :/ Hate to say it.

You really can't find anything that will "last" for $40 :/ Hate to say it.

If you want something that isn't stuff, You will want to invest more into it.

If you want something that isn't stuff, You will want to invest more into it.
I don't trust you

I figured paying over $20 is paying for quality, not durability. That's a forgeted up market.

I don't trust you

I figured paying over $20 is paying for quality, not durability. That's a forgeted up market.

$20 or $40 or $50 won't get you something of quality in the headset market lol

you can get a decent one, don't let them make you think you can't, but nothing great

I feel like the only person with a 2TB hard drive.

2 x 1TB is actually better than 2TB so I wouldn't be surprised if you were

2 x 1TB is actually better than 2TB so I wouldn't be surprised if you were

I got some skullcandy buds for $30, I've had them for a while and they've even gone through the wash.
Only problem with them now is that when I pet my cat the static can shock my ear

My brothers psu is making a sound like a train and making the whole damn case shake, what the forget.

My brothers psu is making a sound like a train and making the whole damn case shake, what the forget.
perhaps the fan mount has come loose, or something is unbalancing it. I would open the case and have a look while it's running

You should probably expect to have to replace it though