
x86 Or ARM?


Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Personal Computer - Updated builds thanks to Logical Increments  (Read 1331263 times)

Not to mention replacing USB would be really difficult given how mainstream it is. It'd require many years.

what should i upgrade?
im getting a new case anyway so
might go with a new keyboard and mouse
suggestions on new stuff?
i was thinking about this for keyboard/mouse
and this for the case
no one replieeeeed

no one replieeeeed
Keyboards/mice are objective, and I'm currently using that case and it is pretty darn cool, but there are no front panel usb 3.0 ports.

why is everyone getting boners over USB 3.0? how many devices does the average person own that are compatible with it? personally I own a grand total of 0.

why is everyone getting boners over USB 3.0? how many devices does the average person own that are compatible with it? personally I own a grand total of 0.
I don't have any either, nothing I buy seems to come with it

why is everyone getting boners over USB 3.0? how many devices does the average person own that are compatible with it? personally I own a grand total of 0.
futureproofing i guess.

why is everyone getting boners over USB 3.0? how many devices does the average person own that are compatible with it? personally I own a grand total of 0.
Because it's the new standard and it's much faster than what we have.  Many things are also now using it exclusively.  My case had only USB 3.0 and my motherboard has 6 of them, two usb 2.0 so it can presumably use keyboard and mouse for the BIOS.

Bump, I'm going to go ahead and start adding custom builds that are created by Tom and I. We're going to go ahead and double-manage it with my forum account so we can keep the thread up to date.

If you want to add a build, request away!
« Last Edit: January 07, 2013, 04:50:30 AM by MackTheHunter »

I'll give the links to my build if you want?

If it's the one you have right now it's probably outdated - you can make one by collecting links from Newegg. Make sure to include total prices and a budget.

My corner of the basement until the bedroom is painted.

Also notice the speakers - my father built those 13 years ago. I'm using an 8 year old Pioneer VSX-D608 amp with Dolby Digital audio, which makes everything sound so delicious. SO DELICIOUS, I TELL YOU.

well, could I get a card that could run skyrim good on ultra? Or atleast help it? :(
Is there a card?

Mack, your basement setup is totally win.

[im g width=800]http://h ttps://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/327643_10151410926079903_571122040_o.jpg[/img]

My corner of the basement until the bedroom is painted.

Also notice the speakers - my father built those 13 years ago. I'm using an 8 year old Pioneer VSX-D608 amp with Dolby Digital audio, which makes everything sound so delicious. SO DELICIOUS, I TELL YOU.
I want those speakers. They look awesome! And I wouldn't mind your screen setup either :P

Is there a card?
assuming you've still got the same celeron processor
you won't be able to run skyrim, even if you update your video card