
x86 Or ARM?


Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Personal Computer - Updated builds thanks to Logical Increments  (Read 1327951 times)

Hey guys, I've been saving up for a kicking rad desktop and would like to find the top notch I can for my constraints:

Needs to have:
quad core processor (3.0GHz or better)
4GB ram or better.
some secksi graphics card
don't give a forget about super awesome sound card
don't need a gigantic monitor
needs to amount to around 700$

I can go a smidge higher, but I need to know lovey desktop I can get for dis. I already have a keyboard and mouse.

I have no preference to whether or not it is prebuilt.

 edit: or actually i can look at the op and not suck richards. sry

 edit: or actually i can look at the op and not suck richards. sry

OP is outdated, don't use it.

OP is outdated, don't use it.


oopsie daisies wrong link b4 sry

how good is this in terms of value, ive never enough money to even consider building my own computer so I never really looked up prices and parts and whatnot. Now I have 2 jobs so I have gotten enough to afford my own shiny things.

help is appreciated :D!
« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 06:25:38 PM by Khorde »


how good is this in terms of value, ive never enough money to even consider building my own computer so I never really looked up prices and parts and whatnot. Now I have 2 jobs so I have gotten enough to afford my own shiny things.

help is appreciated :D!

To be honest I'm not going to help you because there are those far better than me at finding deals with good power vs price, so I'd pretty much be suggesting things that you may consider for no reason :P

Edit: Although those deals seem pretty meh.

If anyone is looking for computer parts and happen to be located near the East Bay in California, I have two EVGA 570 SC for sale at a cheap package discount price.

Get yo sli on son.


personally i'd go with the top one and get this monitor:

should be about $730~
would make a build but the first link on newegg was a pretty good deal, even considering the stuffty psu and motherboard. might not be the best for gaming right now but it's pretty good anyways

Just got my Windforce GTX 770 today. Plopped it in, ran just nice. Got up to 82° C in my desk's cabinet while running benchmarks. Moved my case out of my desk's computer cabinet and it ran at 51° C. Guess I'll never put it in there again.

http://pcpartpicker.com/part/lite-on-optical-drive-ihas124-04 is this worth its price at all? My PC needs a DVD/CD drive and Christmas is coming up, I might be able to get a few bucks

Looks fine.  Although I don't really pay attention to optical drives that much.  I just pick a cheap one with good reviews.

http://pcpartpicker.com/part/lite-on-optical-drive-ihas124-04 is this worth its price at all? My PC needs a DVD/CD drive and Christmas is coming up, I might be able to get a few bucks

Yes, buy it. All DVD drives are basically the same.

I touched my phone to my PC tower and the static discharge caused it to wake from sleep.

I touched my phone to my PC tower and the static discharge caused it to wake from sleep.

I've done that before. Not with a phone, but from static.
Also, turning on the microwave has always woken a different computer way back.
I don't think I even use sleep mode anymore, this one could do it too for all I know. It's either on, off, or hibernating.

Yes, buy it. All DVD drives are basically the same.
alright, once I get $10 more I will


personally i'd go with the top one and get this monitor:

should be about $730~
would make a build but the first link on newegg was a pretty good deal, even considering the stuffty psu and motherboard. might not be the best for gaming right now but it's pretty good anyways

I like it, but I have two questions:

Can it run games on high?
Can it run games at higher than 60 fps?

Just got my Windforce GTX 770 today. Plopped it in, ran just nice. Got up to 82° C in my desk's cabinet while running benchmarks. Moved my case out of my desk's computer cabinet and it ran at 51° C. Guess I'll never put it in there again.

Just got my 770 yesterday, sooooo worth it.