
Poll • Military Weapons

Keep the military weapons to intensify and create chaotic combat.
Cut down on military weapons to keep realism and make finding guns very serious.

Author Topic: DayB • 1/14/14  (Read 101017 times)

why do large projects never become a reality
Lack of motivation, time, and other countless things.

Steady but slow progress I guess.

Der, I'm still alive, just. Progress has been nul because my computer was taken with all of my models at boarding school because it didn't pass the electrical test thing but I have two weeks off from tuesday and will be happy to finish the other half of the models then.

Der, I'm still alive, just. Progress has been nul because my computer was taken with all of my models at boarding school because it didn't pass the electrical test thing but I have two weeks off from tuesday and will be happy to finish the other half of the models then.
Great news! I'll be updating the OP because everything is secured now.

Item update from a great guy named Phydeoux!

Note: some textures are temporary.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2013, 01:07:48 PM by Derroith »

is there going to be a form of inventory space?

is there going to be a form of inventory space?
Of course, we're working on a client-sided version and a server-sided version.

Topic went a bit unnoticed I guess- bump!

phydeux's models look cool, but i can't really tell what's up with the middle one (it looks 2d)

why do large projects never become a reality

this one kinda moves in spurts.. seems to go nowhere for months at a time and then theres a burst of motivation and we get a lot done

Some of these are prone to change, but enjoy! Much thanks to Phydeoux!!

Haha the backpacks and the items look really cool!

Holy stuff those backpacks

teach how 2 smoothshade and make it look good

all those models look fantastic, they really fit blockland like a default addon would- i just hope that they don't clash with the weapons too much...

I like the default backpack better TBH.

I like the default backpack better TBH.
There needs to be variety and it's easier to assume how much wealth someone is carrying, makes kill on sight a little different.