
Do blood and gore belong in Blockland?

97 (42.4%)
132 (57.6%)

Total Members Voted: 229

Author Topic: Blood and gore  (Read 9416 times)

Honestly I don't know why you people think every little kid is a sensitive ball of emotions. They play Call of Duty and watch Tv to rot their brains. They'll probably mock this blood if anything. The only people who would complain about the blood would be some foreign guy who doesn't like gross things. Even so the blood looks fake as heck, so why bother.

Honestly I don't know why you people think every little kid is a sensitive ball of emotions. They play Call of Duty and watch Tv to rot their brains. They'll probably mock this blood if anything. The only people who would complain about the blood would be some foreign guy who doesn't like gross things. Even so the blood looks fake as heck, so why bother.

Everything about this post makes me facepalm.  I don't give two stuffs about "the children", I detest the blood and gore because it looks terrible and doesn't fit with Blockland at all.  I know its inclusion in the vanilla Blockland is minor, but I don't like that it's there at all and I feel it should be removed.

Before v21, there was the default blood, I think it's fine.
uh what

There was never default blood in the game

I like the idea of the bits falling off  since it reminds me of how i used to play with lego minifigs but I do not like the blood. Now I understand that its probably easier to do it this way given that everything turns red you dont have to worry about matching the original player before they died, but it doesn't have the same fun plastiky feel when people explode into a shower of giblets.

I think it should be one like in the Lego Star Wars games, where the mini-fig falls apart.
Falling into pick-up-able-and-throw-able, damaging pieces is the best way to go.
Question: Why can't we just have the player fall into physics pieces of what they were built of like in the Lego games?

So many people want this, why can't we just do it already? :c

So many people want this, why can't we just do it already? :c

Some things are far more difficult in execution than in concept.

So many people want this, why can't we just do it already? :c
Because the hand, foot and chunk giblets are DTS files, it might be difficult to change debris color to the color of the player they belong to

You could easily remove the blood particles and change the color of the giblets and player's body, but that's the closest way i see that happening

I'm not sure if Badspot even wants to change it so soon if at all

Everything about this post makes me facepalm.  I don't give two stuffs about "the children", I detest the blood and gore because it looks terrible and doesn't fit with Blockland at all.  I know its inclusion in the vanilla Blockland is minor, but I don't like that it's there at all and I feel it should be removed.

"I don't like it so it should be removed!"

Definitely not self-entitled or self-centered.

The poll is leaning more to the " I don't like it." side

Because the hand, foot and chunk giblets are DTS files, it might be difficult to change debris color to the color of the player they belong to

You could easily remove the blood particles and change the color of the giblets and player's body, but that's the closest way i see that happening
It not difficult to color on DTS model. Just replace image color.png But it has inside a red on the model and red.png I just replace the color green as red.png tricky, it worked!!! then I had replace whole particles color red to green. Something look this.

I did managed got this worked.

They got covered whole body green color and spat blood slime of particles.

It not difficult to color on DTS model. Just replace image color.png But it has inside a red on the model and red.png I just replace the color green as red.png tricky, it worked!!! then I had replace whole particles color red to green. Something look this.

I did managed got this worked.
and change the color of the giblets and player's body
What i meant was getting them to be colored like the player's body they belong to, like a player that has black hands would see black hand gibs, a player with orange hands would see orange hand gibs, and so on, i've already demonstrated coloring the red texture some pages ago

the reason i play blockland is because i hate gore!
i play blockland because its hard to find a good zombie game without all the gore.

That would set it for all gibs.

Code: [Select]
datablock DebrisData(boneChunkDebris)
   emitters = smallBloodEmitter;

   shapeFile = "./chunk.dts";
   lifetime = 10;
   lifetimeVariance = 2;
   minSpinSpeed = -300;
   maxSpinSpeed = 300;
   elasticity = 0.4;
   friction = 0.1;
   numBounces = 10;
   staticOnMaxBounce = true;
   fade = true;
   gravModifier = 0.8;
datablock DebrisData(boneChunkDebris2 : boneChunkDebris)
   shapeFile = "./hand.dts";
datablock DebrisData(boneChunkDebris3 : boneChunkDebris)
   shapeFile = "./shoe.dts";

I'm not sure how it is worded, but with the datablock:datablock thing, that means they will share the same settings - except whatever is specified i.e: shapeFile. I'm pretty sure you could do a different colorShift for the three different datablocks/three different shapeFiles, hand, shoe, and chunk. But the colorshift would get the client's avatar colors. The only people who get screwed are the ones who have different colored hands or feet. But oh well.

Or, it would be easier for someone to do this from the ground up.

The people in this topic assume that the antigore people are offended or disturbed by the blood,
Nobody is offended by the blood.
It just looks awful with Blockland, and is ugly to look at.

Finding something disturbing and being offended by it are wholly separate concepts.  It takes some pretty nasty, hateful stuff to offend me.  Cute little toy people exploding into skinless corpses, however, is a pretty disturbing cake no matter how you slice it, and it doesn't fit the game's style at all.
Goddamn, I hate when kids try to inflate their vocabulary to sound intelligent. You're a wimp, which is ok, so just say so.