Author Topic: The Forgettable Dungeon: Early Access Release  (Read 353476 times)

This is a game that I'd love to give you money for, seeing all this development.

Can we just pay now so we don't have to pay later?

This is a game that I'd love to give you money for, seeing all this development.

Can we just pay now so we don't have to pay later?

I'm actually hoping to do a kickstarter sometime in the next two months, at that point you can throw money at me.

I improved the look of the stuck/bear trap effect, now it literally looks a bear trap.

When in this mode you can rotate and attack but you can't move, also all enemies get first attack on you.

The no movement but still being able to rotate and attack gave me the idea of a "rail shooter" type level. Except you would be stuck on mine carts or something similar and have to fend off monsters coming to attack you while you ride.

Any thoughts on adding elemental traps, fire, ice, electro, etc?

The no movement but still being able to rotate and attack gave me the idea of a "rail shooter" type level. Except you would be stuck on mine carts or something similar and have to fend off monsters coming to attack you while you ride.
what if there was a "Cargo Ship" level
Like a giant platform would move slowly to an exit, while enemies rain down on the cart, obviously not many at a time.
Maybe before a boss? <:

when you get caught in a bear trap can there be a rare chance shia labeouf comes pls
(reference to song)

Any thoughts on adding elemental traps, fire, ice, electro, etc?

I've toyed with adding various elemental things to the game but they never feel right, I'm probably going to do more experiments with them though.

WIP ice dungeon trap:

I've toyed with adding various elemental things to the game but they never feel right, I'm probably going to do more experiments with them though.

WIP ice dungeon trap:
Live traps don't really fit in a kind of turn based game.
Suggestion, make the ice trap spit out blocks.

Where did the more zelda like version go?

« Last Edit: March 26, 2015, 01:18:57 AM by Emgiell »

ohhh i don't like those particle effects

i assume they're placeholders though

isn't that just the blockland fire emitter except white

pretty sure it's a placeholder

Live traps don't really fit in a kind of turn based game.

this game isn't turn-based

Where did the more zelda like version go?

those were obviously older versions and he's added/tweaked a lot of stuff
also, zelda isn't turn-based either

Live traps don't really fit in a kind of turn based game.
Suggestion, make the ice trap spit out blocks.

Where did the more zelda like version go?
All the current traps are movement based, which is not turn based. The only thing turn based is the direct combat.

This version was basically just my way of testing out some radical changes to see if anything worked.

A lot of stuff from this got back ported to the real game, speaking of which I really need to re-implement the boomerang.

ohhh i don't like those particle effects

i assume they're placeholders though
isn't that just the blockland fire emitter except white

pretty sure it's a placeholder
They're place holders, it's actually the blockland hate emote slightly changed.

Honestly I don't currently know what style the particle effects should really take in the game, need to experiment a lot.

Maybe go with particle effect style where it spits out a spray of cubes

maybe it could be in a kind of cone or something?

Maybe go with particle effect style where it spits out a spray of cubes

maybe it could be in a kind of cone or something?

Yeah I need to try this, honestly I need to revamp the whole particle system in general.

The system isn't really built to spit out the voxels I made but I'm going to hack something together in the future to test.

I messed around with bringing the boomerang back, now it is an interactable that you can pick up in a similar way to spelunkys boomerang.

Not sure if I'll be able to properly balance this thing out though, all the other alt items and random throwables are balanced due to being limited use.