Author Topic: Cohort - oink  (Read 98726 times)

We produce



"We are a merry company of co-operating colleagues who find our comfortable existance
 as a tool in the concerning of our coldhearted conquest of the corked blockland community."

- cheesy Sleven

We are producers,
we are deliverers,
we are Cohorts.

During the past years I have more and more noticed the joy of building together. I thus decided to take it to another level and unite a number of persons I deeply enjoy working with, and Cohort was created. We hope to, in a near future, be distinguished as the top provider of memorable creations, servers, events and various other Blockland products that the community easily can enjoy. With this clan we (the Cohort Team) simply hope to make a difference. Just as much as this is a clan page, we would like to encourage tutoring, inspiring and other well-beneficial activities in this thread. You may ask any questions concerning architectural supremacy and bring forward problems, ideas etc.

Design-wise we would like to call ourselves neutral. We easily go from fantasy medieval to modern suburb.


We have great standards, do not even try apping if you're not completely sure of your competence.

You are now able to applicate to this clan by posting an app (build) in the gallery. It may be of any type and style you can come up with. Either you can make something very compact and detailed or something large. Qualities in the build and the person are both judged.

If your app receives at least 70% of active yeses your membership will be considered and postponed until a decent trial of in-game activities can be executed. This meeting will contain group-building, surveying of building-tactics/style/manner and production on request.

Do not app for this clan if you're a lazy bum. This clan was created for production and idleness is not tolerable.


King Leo
Lordy Lord


Beauty hitting the bricklimit, made with only default bricks.
Credits: Sylvanor, Sleven

TDM Bunker Assault
Map especially made for TDM. Tons of alternative routes. Stay tuned for the release.
Credits: Sleven

King Leo's monster of a castle. Default only.
Credits: King Leo, Sleven (abit)

Eole Island
Big island project with vast atmospheric areas, coal mines, old houses, bunkers.
Credits: Sylvanor, Sleven, Skill4life, Cougar, Ephialtes, Blocktim


Not much to offer at the moment.

Building Tutorial - Suburban Home  - Sleven

Terraining - How To Guide  - Conan

This page is a work in progress

Look out for updates!
« Last Edit: February 07, 2014, 02:40:06 PM by Sleven »

I would join but you don't really know me or have not worked on any projects with me. I did a little work on King Leo's castle fixing up interior roofs.

Thanks Slev for ce magnifique topic :3

Yeah to apply you need to make a master project that need to be very good. Some a+ build quality.

Then, maybe, you could be accepted. In rare cases... You still can register the site to enjoy private mods and other stuff.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 07:12:34 PM by Sylvanor »

wow holy stuff
where did you find all the time to do all of that?
those builds are insanely awesome.

looked at the site, i like it.
i have to ask though; how good are the computers for each of the members that worked on the projects, because i just can't see my laptop handling 256000 bricks, and i'm not sure what other computers can.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 07:18:55 PM by .:FancyPants:. »

that is amazing
EDIT: You might want to get a logo just because
« Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 07:22:53 AM by lolz?? »

I (furdle) also helped on Eeole island.
I made a vehicle or two on there, I would like to be credited.

TDM bunker assault is absolutely glorious.

I (furdle) also helped on Eeole island.
I made a vehicle or two on there, I would like to be credited.

Oh yeah. Done.

i have to ask though; how good are the computers for each of the members that worked on the projects, because i just can't see my laptop handling 256000 bricks, and i'm not sure what other computers can.

I seriously do not exaggerate when saying that my computer is from the stone-age. I can handle different saves differently good. Seattle is no problemo, same goes with Eole (which are the most brick-heavy builds atm).

Haha! Nice name!
Me and my friend were talking about the popular people and his cohorts wearing ordinary clothes on school yesterday


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You should probably change this

You should probably change this

hehe... yeah sure it is. I am actually a bit busy and lot of things still need to be done in the site. Be sure all will be fixed in the next weeks. I have so many ideas...

I also spent the last night editing this site with loving html5 to make it to works nice between all differents web browers (ie, crome and daredfox). I hate this really.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 10:18:44 AM by Sylvanor »

this had reminded me to buy a website for SPO.

cool clan sleven, i hope it is successful!
« Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 10:28:28 AM by Pass »