Author Topic: Call of Duty: Ghosts Megathread  (Read 12463 times)

The forget? It looks like Modern Warfare 2 still?

Also, that opening made me think it was fighting aliens, I was disappoint.
except its gonna be on the next generation consoles daheuhue
but seriously, if the game plays like MW2 im shooting myself; they really need a new play style

Like, the meteors and crater and dead bodies made me think they were being interesting and going gritty guerrilla warfare against aliens that invaded but nooo. Looks like some major disaster took out the US and now something they don't like is in power.

so are you guys forgetting dynamic maps????

Explain, I haven't read anything.

so are you guys forgetting dynamic maps????
which is also on black ops 2

and to go deeper, it's only on a few of the maps in that game

flooding mid-game, wildfire starts randomly, tower falling, etc

basically altering the map

which is also on black ops 2

and to go deeper, it's only on a few of the maps in that game
not really, they're not very noticeable/useful/neat-looking
only good one is the flood thing every few mins on that one dlc map

Those aren't new, just Call of Duty hasn't had them yet. Battlefield has that with its destructible terrain, more so because it's not scripted.

flooding mid-game, wildfire starts randomly, tower falling, etc

basically altering the map
not really, they're not very noticeable/useful/neat-looking
only good one is the flood thing every few mins on that one dlc map
You're acting like that's new and innovative.

Those aren't new, just Call of Duty hasn't had them yet. Battlefield has that with its destructible terrain, more so because it's not scripted.
Never said it was new :u

You're acting like that's new and innovative.
Yeah, for CoD, it is.

Meh, the game could be a hell of a lot more game changing with destructive terrain caused by the player instead of a script causing a map change for a few seconds.

but overall its not new and thats what really counts here
if you didnt buy into it the first time you won't buy into it now

and im p sure battlefield will do dynamic maps even mroe than just destruction
theyre gonna have weather settings and time change and stuff
or so ive HEARD

and im p sure battlefield will do dynamic maps even mroe than just destruction
theyre gonna have weather settings and time change and stuff
or so ive HEARD
"blocklnd did tis 1st totla ripof"

what i was trying to say was that it was rendered in-game, and people are just bitching because it isn't in the point of view of the character.

if it was complete cgi and wasn't rendered in-game, like this, i could understand why you people were complaining.

Yeah, for CoD, it is.
cod also hasn't evolved much since it first rebelled against wolfenstein in a fit of teen angst

I cant watch the trailer because of my damn internet