Author Topic: TITANIC (Latest update pg. 38. Current as of 13 Mar 15)  (Read 82061 times)

Maybe tomorrow. I just closed the server.

I'm going to sleep now anyways. Keep up the good work btw.

I have a question. If the engine/boiler room is under the red water line, and if you added water won't you flood the engine/boiler rooms because of Blockland's water physics?

I have a question. If the engine/boiler room is under the red water line, and if you added water won't you flood the engine/boiler rooms because of Blockland's water physics?
Yes, although I personally wonder if we might be able to find a scripter who might be able to change that.

Yes, although I personally wonder if we might be able to find a scripter who might be able to change that.
If they could make something under the "Zone brick" category and name it "No water (Dimension here x dimension here) Cube." I could use that <33

Its time for another update!

There has been a lot going on down in engineering, primarily with our fancy new engines. 

I think the pictures speak for themselves.

For some technical details, the engines being focused on in these pictures are four-cylinder, triple expansion steam engines of 15,000 horsepower each. The large, round gray thing that's partly in the frame to the right in the second image, and mostly covered by the main engines in the third image is a low-pressure steam turbine that can put out 16,000 horsepower, and powers the central screw. The way it works is that if the side engines are set to at least half speed ahead, that steam turbine can be engaged to give the ship a total of 46,000 horsepower when moving forward. That turbine runs off of excess steam from the two main engines, and as such makes the ship more efficient than she would otherwise be.

Thats gorgeous. Cant wait to see that in game :)

For some technical details, the engines being focused on in these pictures are four-cylinder, triple expansion steam engines of 15,000 horsepower each. The large, round gray thing that's partly in the frame to the right in the second image, and mostly covered by the main engines in the third image is a low-pressure steam turbine that can put out 16,000 horsepower, and powers the central screw. The way it works is that if the side engines are set to at least half speed ahead, that steam turbine can be engaged to give the ship a total of 46,000 horsepower when moving forward. That turbine runs off of excess steam from the two main engines, and as such makes the ship more efficient than she would otherwise be.
dang thats a lot of horses. imagine putting that into a car

dang thats a lot of horses. imagine putting that into a car
Considering that the engines are each approximately four stories tall, the car would most likely break under the weight of the installation. Thus is the nature of the square-cube law: all other factors constant, as an object increases in power by the square of some number, the mass of the object increases by the cube of said number. Still, yeah, that's a lot of horses. Just to move the rudder, a steering engine was used that was probably about 750-1,000 horsepower.

There's an RMS update incoming! Part of it is probably going to be heartfelt, like the Thomas Andrews-related update was.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2013, 03:27:10 AM by RMS Gigantic »

Well, here goes.

First up, we have my work placing furniture in what will be the First Class Dining Saloon, largest room on the ship:

The flat brown rectangles will be tables, the grayish blue circles will be chairs, and the white poles will be columns.

The section of the room furthest from the camera (the starboard aft part of the room) needs to be reflected to the section of the room to the left (the starboard fore), and then the furniture can be reflected from starboard to port to finish the room. There were enough seats here for 554 first class passengers to dine! If you look to the left in the image, you will see a piano (with a keyboard that changes color when clicked to give the impression of a cover lowering over it).

Brace yourselves, because this is where things get heavy.

This piano was in the primary First Class dining room, but it wasn't played while people were dining. Instead, it played hymns (such as "Eternal Father, Strong to Save") during a nondenominational Divine Service every Sunday from 10:30 to 11:15 AM. On Titanic's maiden voyage, it just so happened that a lifeboat drill was scheduled to take place on Sunday, April 14, 1912. However, most likely because of the worship service, the decision was made to postpone the drill, perhaps until Monday.

That opportunity would never come, however, because Titanic sideswiped an iceberg (that probably weighed 300,000 tons) late during the night of Sunday, April 14, 1912, and had fully sunk well before the sun came up the following day.

Titanic had a lifeboat capacity of 1,178, but only approximately 700 people ended up in those boats. There was a lack of coordination on the part of the crew (on one side of the ship, the officer on hand had a policy of women and children first, but if there were no more women on deck, he would begin letting men aboard; on the other side of the ship, however, the officer that was present had a policy of women and children only. The captain wasn't seen very often during this time, but it's understandable, given that he most likely realized early on the magnitude of the situation before him, between the lifeboat/passenger figures and the nearest rescue ship several hours away.) as well as the passengers (people were very reluctant to climb into the boats, as many were confident that the ship would eventually settle and remain afloat; even during the final moments of the sinking, when all that was left at the surface of the water was the stern, there was a moment when it seemed to remain momentarily still, and some onlookers from the lifeboats had become convinced that it was going to stay there for the rest of the night!).

There is a definite irony in the idea that giving a church service priority probably killed roughly 400 people. This piano played during that service.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2013, 04:21:37 AM by RMS Gigantic »







« Last Edit: September 01, 2013, 01:29:01 PM by Bacon Pancakes »