
What should happen to the price of HamHost?

Make it completely free. All features of the web control panel will br available for everybody.
Keep it free/premium, but give half of the features to free users.
Continue making more (web) control panel features for premium users, and occasionally make one for unpaid clients.
Keep adding more control panel features for premium users, but add none for free clients.
Make HamHost paid-only.

Author Topic: HamHost Dedicated Blockland servers | New poll: More free-user features?  (Read 102353 times)

This is exactly the purpose of the SHA-256. It ensures that people cannot just match the file size and the file name, but the file must also contain the same content.
Then why aren't you using it on the file contents? From what I read, you're only matching name and file length for integrity. It would make more sense if you used a hash on the files as well.

Chat is printed out to the Blockland console, so they can see the chat through the remote console feature.
Ah, I see, kk.

Then why aren't you using it on the file contents? From what I read, you're only matching name and file length for integrity. It would make more sense if you used a hash on the files as well.
Yes, I do use the hash on the file contents. That's the whole point of the hash anyway.
Java code:
Code: [Select]
public static final String generateHash(File file)
String hash = "";
FileInputStream fileReader = new FileInputStream(file);
byte[] data = new byte[(int)file.length()]; //will only work up to 2 GB; Blockland.exe is only 3.7 MB
fileReader.read(data); //[b]This reads the file's contents.[/b]
//getting the value from the array
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
byte[] digest = md.digest(); //will take a lot of time

for (int i = 0; i < digest.length; i++)
hash += digest[i];

catch (Exception e)
hash = "";
return hash;
As you can see, it reads the actual contents.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2013, 08:25:21 PM by hammereditor² »

I just sent an e-mail to you Hammereditor, I hope I can have a server slot, thank you, also thank you for running this service.

I just sent an e-mail to you Hammereditor, I hope I can have a server slot, thank you, also thank you for running this service.
Your setup is now completed

Your setup is now completed

Thank you! I am glad I got a slot just in time. I am having trouble with the setup though, if you could reply to the e-mail I'd be happy. I am currently in the server you told me to join and haven't lagged or gone off-line yet for 1-2 minutes like it was suppose to.

There is a config file, and still -

There is a config file, and still -

I have fixed that, and the new version is almost done uploading...

Wait so is beta like free, then the regular version is like money?

Wait so is beta like free, then the regular version is like money?
The beta version is free, but clients have access to all features.
After the beta is over, there will be both free and premium accounts. Free users will not get as many featues as premium users will. I think premium will cost $3/month or something.

The beta version is free, but clients have access to all features.
After the beta is over, there will be both free and premium accounts. Free users will not get as many featues as premium users will. I think premium will cost $3/month or something.

What type of features would premium users get? Also I think it should be $2-$3 so you can compete with competitors like RTB and Kaphost since this is cheaper.

The beta version is free, but clients have access to all features.
After the beta is over, there will be both free and premium accounts. Free users will not get as many featues as premium users will. I think premium will cost $3/month or something.
10/10. I can see how thought out this is.
inb4Kalphiter Posts Link to my old failed service

10/10. I can see how thought out this is.
inb4Kalphiter Posts Link to my old failed service
Come on, u tried a hosting service and it failed he at least got farther then u

Come on, u tried a hosting service and it failed he at least got farther then u


10/10. I can see how thought out this is.
inb4Kalphiter Posts Link to my old failed service

Hammer is doing his very best to run this, the service is also very efficient too and he actually treats his clients as people and is always willing to help his clients whatever the time of day it may be. He is professional, and he doesn't slack. He takes the service seriously, and treats his clients more like his friends. I think that you should try the service out, it is worth a try. The service may not be a royalty 5 star service - but it serves it's purpose as being a quick and easy dedicated free server provider.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 04:29:15 PM by Reindeer »