Author Topic: Halloweenfest - Closed till Werdsnaday. :(  (Read 36760 times)

I think you mean Bedpost.
There were two users with different, yet similar names.

Bedpost and Badpot.

we were shutting down as you joined, I was gonna kick everyone but that was way more interesting
sorry if you came in at the last moment, i'll send you the password if you want
« Last Edit: October 07, 2013, 10:15:53 PM by Zalot »

zealot was actually shutting down the server in an "interesting way," which i have mixed feelings about
both of you are unbanned now, along with the 15 other players

oh goddammit

Group photos from the party!

It was wonderful, the server was at the max for almost the entire time! Thanks for attending everyone. We'll be hosting again soon, so don't worry if you missed it. Probably in 2-4 days.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2013, 10:27:37 PM by Zalot »

Was fun, but your admins suck. They failed to answer mine or anyone else's questions the whole time we were there. Basically just ignoring us and keeping the fun to themselves.

Was fun, but your admins suck. They failed to answer mine or anyone else's questions the whole time we were there. Basically just ignoring us and keeping the fun to themselves.
what questions can possibly exist

Was fun, but your admins suck. They failed to answer mine or anyone else's questions the whole time we were there. Basically just ignoring us and keeping the fun to themselves.
what were your questions lol
90% of the time we were afk and i'm sure it's difficult for just one or two people who are online at the time to handle 25+ players

ha forget your body eletrck

I still managed to block you :)
also learn to spell
« Last Edit: October 08, 2013, 04:38:58 PM by Electrk² »

what were your questions lol
90% of the time we were afk and i'm sure it's difficult for just one or two people who are online at the time to handle 25+ players
If you know what your doing its not that hard, it's usually 2-4 admins and 35+ players at falling tiles and we do better then fine

If you know what your doing its not that hard, it's usually 2-4 admins and 35+ players at falling tiles and we do better then fine
and what issues do you get

i mean falling platforms is like

near automatic

I still managed to block you :)
also learn to spell
my name still shows so i will still be blockland famous

Did I miss it? Or will you be hosting again. If so, please pm me the host times.