Author Topic: HOLY stuff GUYS IM GETTING HACKED  (Read 20633 times)

No sympathy from me here.  Zealot repeatedly picks on members and is an egotistical cunt.  He got what was coming for him, IMO.  To that I say good riddance.

owner of the thread with the most pages on this forum, as it turns out.

dunno about zulious really, he/she wasn't here for very long, or is an alt now.

Zulious is new, and a different person.;u=40302
blid is 9k, last post was exactly a month ago
Sorry, what I meant was newly introduced to this atmosphere or context.  Yeah, I wasn't clear at all.  Sorry for that.

Actually I knew Zulious from in the game so I threw his name in there. :^)

I have the source for the DLL and it doesn't create any console commands whatsoever, and contains no malicious code. Just because something can be used for malicious purposes doesn't mean it automatically is a virus.
How did you even get the source?

I thought the creator only gave out the dll

How did you even get the source?

I thought the creator only gave out the dll


How did you even get the source?

I thought the creator only gave out the dll
I went into the hacking group that the creator of the dll (computermix) was in and got basically all their intel, including the source to the BLHack DLL. It was also given to badspot and a few other members of the group iirc.

this is like hitting two birds with one stone: zalot is using a hack and broken is administering a key logger!
Double kill.

can someone explain why OP got banned i dont get it

can someone explain why OP got banned i dont get it
was caught using hacks or something

or the fact that this drama was a complete stuffpost

can someone explain why OP got banned i dont get it
Joke drama.

can someone explain why OP got banned i dont get it
>Zealot was using a hack.
>Title of drama was ambiguous.
>Joke drama.

Anyone notice Zealot broke almost all the images?

>Zealot was using a hack.
>Title of drama was ambiguous.
>Joke drama.

Anyone notice Zealot broke almost all the images?
All the ones that showed he was using the hack lol.