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This is Why I'm Broke

Author Topic: CityMod  (Read 22866 times)

Overwhelming would be the right word indeed..

Ill try to break this down.

How do you intend on dealing with lost money, for example somebody could spend a lot of time becoming very wealthy then bore of the game and stop playing or even as an extreme have their key revoked. Also in this pool is everybody you will ever ban from the server.
For those who get banned/revoked their money would get stimulated back into the city's treasury, but for the others we would have an inactivity reset.  If you are not online in X amount of days (probably 12 would be a good length) your money will get distributed the same way as those who got banned.  The only exception to this would be if you notified an administrator of a planned extended leave.

How do you plan on distributing the market cap fairly? Will the first thousand people to join be given a free check, or do you have something else in mind?  I assume you're taking a classical point of view on the economics on this server, not Keynesian. If the server suffers from cost-push inflation, how do you plan on keeping the server fun for new players who will have to work much much harder to make any usable amount of income? How would you deal with collusion? Monopolies?
I'm sorry, but i'm not greatly knowledgeable in economics.  If you wan't an answer on this, ask Brian.  He's handling the stocks, economics, inflation and such.

Will there be a way to force users to sign contracts to make deals legally enforceable? For example, if one party wanted to act as a bank and loan cash to people to start a business, what's to stop people from taking the money and running? If you did implement some kind of loan system, how would you deal with loan sharks charging insane interest rates? A hard limit? Would there be a bankruptcy system where if people fail to meet the terms of their loan contract and are unable to pay a payment on their loan, will they be jailed or can they declare bankruptcy to avoid this?
I had actually never thought of this;  It adds a whole new spectrum to what type of business a person is able to create..
I believe we'll make loans and contracts, but enforcing them would be the hard thing.  The whole system could be very easily abused.  What if someone loaned some money, gave it to a friend to store, got reset/bankrupt, and repeated this whole process all over again?  That's my only hesitation about loaning...

If we did do this though, a interest rate hard limit and enforcement of loans would be needed.  The only sensible option I see for enforcing would be banning :/

Would it be possible for people to create multi-person businesses with a pay structure? For example, a shop where you can be hired as a cashier and be paid some percentage of profit when you work? If so, would there be a minimum wage? If not, why not? Businesses could push this from a hunter-gatherer type game to almost a real city.
Absolutely.  A multi-person business is perfectly possible.  It's actually what i'm working on at the moment, lol.  The pay structure is set up as ranks/"jobs"/classes/whatever you want to call them.  Once you create an organization or company, you assign an employee/member to a rank you create, set that rank's salary to X amount and anyone within that rank will get a paycheck each in-game day.

Alternatively, like you suggested, it could set it up that instead of giving a player a set amount of cash each day, they would be paid out a percentage of the money that comes into the organization/company's funds.

Will there be some system of governing and law enactment? Will users be able to run for office to create new laws, or will the laws be set by admins arbitrarily? Will admins be able to make retroactive rules and punish people for doing things that were not at the time illegal?  What's to stop admins from making random, sweeping rules that could severely damage the health of the economy?
Anyone with enough political training could run for a mayoral position.  They can manage the city's funds, taxes, police force, create new laws, and generally just keep the city in order.  The laws/rules in a CityMod server are split into two categories, Global and City.  Global are laws created by the administering team such as don't hack/cheat, glitch, troll, spam, etc.  Once we compile a full list, i'm sure Adin will post it here.  Break one of these rules/laws and an Admin will take care of you swiftly.

Whereas, the City laws are created and enforced by the city's government.  Gun control?  Has marijuana become illegal?  Is there the Gestapo knocking on your door wanting to routinely search your house?  Can't run through the streets naked anymore?  Blame the Mayor.

If you've ever played a DarkRP server, the rules will be kinda like that.  Sadly though you'll have to choose from a predefined list.  Either way, all of these rules, Global or City, will be checked by Brian or myself.

Will there be income taxes? Or will government agencies run off income they have to make themselves, for example would police take and split the net worth of a criminal they capture?
The only we plan to implement are from sale of goods and daily property taxes.  These rates would be able to be configured by the active mayor.  But don't worry, there is a hard limit for the range of taxing percent.  (Currently its 1% to 10%)

Concerning the cops:
Per say a crime is committed.  A police officer that is in range is assigned to the task of solving the crime and catching the perpetrator.  When this criminal is caught most of his assets are stripped from him -- Some examples being: money on hand, his bank accounts and his car.  The police could also get a search warrant to scavenge his house for illegal money and the like.  Now of course it wouldn't be this severe with the bank accounts/search warrant and such if you only committed a petty/low-ranking crime. 

The cop in charge of the case would get the lion's share of the profit given to the police force because he was (most likely) the leading cause behind the criminal's arrest.  The rest of the police force's share would be split between the active (online) cops.  As for the money that's not given to the police, it gets put into the city's treasury.

Basically its summed up like so: 40% of the bounty goes to the city.  60% goes to the police force.  Within that 60%, half of it would go to the case's detective and the other half to be split between the online policemen.

For that matter, what would prevent police corruption? Would it be within the rules to allow criminals to bribe officers?
I think that's enough questions for now. I don't want to overwhelm you.
Police bribing would most likely exist.  Want to swing a case about the murder you just committed?  Pay off a policeman that was assigned to the case to lead the case astray from the truth.  This could be really fun and strategic if used correctly, but pay off the wrong cop and he might flip on you and turn you in.

I hope I helped clear some things up and explain others better, but if you have any more questions, certainly feel free to ask!

DISCLAIMER: I only got 2 1/2 hours of sleep last night so some things might not be very coherent.

Players do it fine even in the current city RPs...

No no no no no noooooooo

I mean RP

Not cut trees for weeks, build some bullstuff, or buy a gun and kill everyone. Of course this doesn't apply to everyone but overall a good summary

No no no no no noooooooo

I mean RP

Not cut trees for weeks, build some bullstuff, or buy a gun and kill everyone. Of course this doesn't apply to everyone but overall a good summary
build a house
walk around house during the day
lay on bed during the night

Notice how the name isn't CityRP/CityRPG/MetroRP/CRP..
I think you get the pattern of "RP".

But, if you want to roleplay in CityMod then, by all means, go for it, but we're not focused on are peeing.

bls community isnt ready for this
I have one request for you
watch a mini empires server

Randomness's, Prozy's, Pander's, Ultimadune's, hell even my own occasionally.
You can't spell MERP without RP (Mini Empires Role Play)
I can list off 20 people who are fantastic, level-headed role players, in combat scenarios where they lose an army
How many times have you played a game, lost, and been completely fine with it.

On the other hand, you are right. It is rare for people to grasp RP well. There is always a need for admins on RP servers, because someone always comes and ruins the fun. One time on a MERP server, all the admins went afk and three people came in and spammed the server. Rockets, events, relays, everything. All went bonkers. So that's all it takes to ruin an RP.

Vaux is being extremely ambitious.

Police bribing would most likely exist.  Want to swing a case about the murder you just committed?  Pay off a policeman that was assigned to the case to lead the case astray from the truth.  This could be really fun and strategic if used correctly, but pay off the wrong cop and he might flip on you and turn you in.

Case implies judge, which is a player. That's already a player you need, plus the cops apparently assigned to the 'case', maybe a lawyer, if not that a public defender, and the criminal. Criminal cases also have juries, stuff. I don't know how to put this easily, but the way youre going you have to have about 16, unique at that, players for this damn feature to work. If thats to be said with all these,"special features" then it can't be good.

Notice how the name isn't CityRP/CityRPG/MetroRP/CRP..
I think you get the pattern of "RP".

But, if you want to roleplay in CityMod then, by all means, go for it, but we're not focused on are peeing.

No idea where you're going with this. Life in prison for committing a murder. You received that sentence after hearing the judge's verdict. Court case? There's got to be some RP there. One of us is missing the point whether me or you.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2013, 01:24:41 AM by Dionysusan »

I'm obviously not sure, but I'm pretty sure that when a crime is committed all you have to do is be caught by an officer to receive a pre-set sentence. No judge involved. The bribery thing was probably talking about paying the officer off to not investigate your case / arrest you. This way it only involves 2 unique people; the criminal and the officer.

If he's going to make a system where civil cases can be undertaken, he'd probably scrap the jury and have the judge be the sole opinion.

I'm not exactly in support of servers that are based on role playing. If people enjoy that, more power to them, but for me I think they aren't very fun. For example, with Mini Empires, it's a race of who's imaginary empire can build more buildings. What's to stop people from creating 500 boats and blowing the stuff out of another empire? And what logical person would actually resign their empire when defeated by another person, obviously you'd just refuse to move or magically create a bunch of defense mechanisms. A game that relies on people honesty and imagination simply cannot work as well as a game that has actual limit based on owned resources.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2013, 03:00:18 AM by $trinick »

Case implies judge, which is a player. That's already a player you need, plus the cops apparently assigned to the 'case', maybe a lawyer, if not that a public defender, and the criminal. Criminal cases also have juries, stuff. I don't know how to put this easily, but the way youre going you have to have about 16, unique at that, players for this damn feature to work.

You forget though, this is a game not America, the laws don't have to be anywhere near real life. This doesn't need Miranda Rights and it doesn't have to give people trials.

If he's going to make a system where civil cases can be undertaken, he'd probably scrap the jury and have the judge be the sole opinion.

If so three unique players. And something tells me we will have a tad bit more than three.

This seems pretty legit, like where this is going.

Looking forward to this.

I like the idea of being arrested, taken to jail, a new 'case' pops up in a judges feed, the judge can choose to take it and get a payout for finishing it; then you have to go over the laws he broke and the min/max sentences to sentence him for.

If the judge has no pity on you, he can sentence you to harsh sentences.

But if the judge likes your character, he can sentence you for less.

Being a judge would be my most sought after job as well.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2013, 08:10:31 AM by Conservative »

I like the idea of being arrested, taken to jail, a new 'case' pops up in a judges feed, the judge can choose to take it and get a payout for finishing it; then you have to go over the laws he broke and the min/max sentences to sentence him for.

If the judge has no pity on you, he can sentence you to harsh sentences.

But if the judge likes your character, he can sentence you for less.

Being a judge would be my most sought after job as well.

The more likely case, would be that it would be based off of your reputation. Got a reputation of 5? Goin' to jail for 2 years. Got a reputation of 97? Eh, you're free to go, just pay $50 and say sorry.

I'm unsure how reputation works, but I think it's something similar to karma in most games: do evil, become evil, do good, become good.

For example, with Mini Empires, it's a race of who's imaginary empire can build more buildings. What's to stop people from creating 500 boats and blowing the stuff out of another empire? And what logical person would actually resign their empire when defeated by another person, obviously you'd just refuse to move or magically create a bunch of defense mechanisms. A game that relies on people honesty and imagination simply cannot work as well as a game that has actual limit based on owned resources.

Then that's a poor mini empires server.
A well regulated mini empires server has rules that players must follow, the biggest being no meta-gaming. Break that rule, and you get banned. And further upon that, it's an unwritten rule no-less. You can't pull 20 trebuchets out of your ass, and your ships can't suddenly triple their cannon range just because you lost all your land units.
They're called anti-rage rules. Sometimes people get mad and dup in 50 of their toughest units. In 90% of cases they get banned and their bricks get cleared. In 10% of cases, the host will join the fight with a boss monster, focus it on the offending player, and wipe out their empire with it until they ragequit.

So really the matter is, how many rules would we need and can we enforce them fairly.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2013, 09:30:14 AM by AdinX »

I don't like a reputation system; giving that kind of factor just to the general community of players allows for a very diverse and unexpected; but more realistic system.

It makes the gamemode feel more alive.

So, how closely will this system resemble DarkRP?

DarkRP seems to be a slight role model for what CityRPG should've been, so I'm curious.

So, how closely will this system resemble DarkRP?

DarkRP seems to be a slight role model for what CityRPG should've been, so I'm curious.
what the forget kind of question is that?
I like the idea of being arrested, taken to jail, a new 'case' pops up in a judges feed, the judge can choose to take it and get a payout for finishing it; then you have to go over the laws he broke and the min/max sentences to sentence him for.

If the judge has no pity on you, he can sentence you to harsh sentences.

But if the judge likes your character, he can sentence you for less.

Being a judge would be my most sought after job as well.
If we did put in a judge like this,
he would be busy as stuff.

If we did put in a judge like this,
he would be busy as stuff.

Generally there are more than one judge for a large bustling city like we will be playing in. Having more than one judge would add a bit more strategy for criminals, could be friends with one judge, hate the other, different results.