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Author Topic: CityMod  (Read 22947 times)

Thorfin25 was here.

the  tiny text: Thorfin25 was here. and now i'm gonna get hate saying stuff like "EHUEH WE COULD ALREEEEDDYY C IT U MORON"

the  tiny text: Thorfin25 was here. and now i'm gonna get hate saying stuff like "EHUEH WE COULD ALREEEEDDYY C IT U MORON"

Hey everybody, it's been a while but don't worry, we're still here.  Here's a quick update of what's been going on.

Everyone here at the CityMod team in the past month or so has had some type of complication occur in their life (except Brian, he's perfect).  During this time frame, most of us either just went completely dark or plainly lost touch with the project.  Simply put, at this point, the spark for the project had just faded.  CityMod had temporarily died.

A week went by, then two, and finally four wasted weeks flew out the window.  Finally, after a month, it was time to rebegin progress on CityMod.  All of us had sorted out our various, but sadly Adin will not be rejoining us.  College and life, amirite?  Anyhow, for most of us, we had made a commitment to finish CityMod, and we weren't going to be put down as another failed CityRPG-esque clone.  This group thinking alone resparked the initiative that we had before the 'hiatus'.

CityMod is back and we're here to stay!
Expect steady progress reports soon!

Given that Adin is no longer actively a part of CityMod

lol had a feeling you guys fell off

Don't be so sure

College & life starts in roughly 6 months for me
I'm swamped with loads of projects (City for citymod, Furdle's pirate RPG, Kong's deathrace, my own mini empires, etc)
I plan to casually continue work on the city, and when the time comes for me to depart blockland (maybe until I can buy myself a computer, maybe for after college)

The city will be released in gallery, I will include all brick-related addons used, and I will try to best explain what I can.
Hopefully, at the very least I will have the shore-side city area done, a little bit of in-land terrain, etc.

Don't be so sure

College & life starts in roughly 6 months for me

Uhhh, don't forget about me ;-; I have no life to go to and was a major part in the creation of what we have as the city so far.

I only got like one thing going for me

1) it wasn't hosted to begin with? Vaux is coding a Mod, and I was tasked with building a city. I was about 70% done with experimentation on terrains, roads, etc and began mapping, and got tired of it, especially because most of the time I was working alone for periods of about 3-4 hours.
2) why did you bump such an incredibly old topic?
3) even if I were to take up the project again, there are hours of labor that are still required. Just loading the map alone requires three minutes, while admin orb'd, while moving rapidly. I have no solid number off the top of my head currently, but if I had to make a wild guess, the map is around 32,000 studs wide. That's just the COAST. I only went about 256 studs inland (that's 4 64x64s)

All of that said, Vaux (in all of his forgetfullness) forgot that I had lost interest in the city, and asked how progress was coming. As you can imagine, that was a short but amusing conversation. But I'll humor it, so here's the deal:
I will be hosting this weekend. I don't know what time yet, because right now it's 1:11am, I have some homework, probably have to mow the lawn, etc etc.

- The server will be public. If people wanna steal the bricks for themselves, go right ahead (not like I could stop you from doing so if I were to host the city regularly)
- I will be working, up until I get bored.
Now, what does that mean in context of the bump and the topic-
I will work and continue work, provided the server fills with people. Even if it's casual chatting, that's more interesting than just working for 3 hours only to end up stopping.

Let's take this hypothetical a step further: let's say a substantial amount of work is done, and the project is back on. Anyone who helped build, contribute, etc, will receive credit for their work.
Why stop there?
If the city is hosted, Vaux and I will work out a reward system for those who helped to build the city.

This is a very big project. I haven't looked at the save in about 2 months, but I do know this: even if we had 20 people and we worked all day, non-stop, there would still be work to do the next day.

Will AdinX be hosting?
Check back at 11:00am EST on Saturday to find out
Hosting has been delayed to 4:00pm EST
« Last Edit: April 26, 2014, 02:31:44 PM by AdinX »

So is this mod still alive?

Adin there is a(couple?) other builder(s?)

11:00PM EST
What?? If you want atleast a decent amount of people to show up, don't host it an hour before midnight, but that's just my two cents.

Also, as many people have asked, why was this almost 2-month old topic bumped? >_.
I just ask, that if you guys could, refrain from using this topic, but instead use the Mod. Discussion topic.  It's tiresome/annoying keeping track of two topics.

Glad to hear you're back though Adin!

What?? If you want atleast a decent amount of people to show up, don't host it an hour before midnight, but that's just my two cents.
Derp, I changed it from 12pm (aka mid-day) to 11am, forgot to fix the pm.
So is this mod still alive?
The mod is alive, the city is still in question. Building requires a lot of work, and we still have no idea what to do about a host. Vaux's plan after the project died on my side, was to release the mod publicly if we could not find anyone suitable to host the mod privately first.