
Is Ghosts good?

My favourite game!
It's OK.
I dislike the game.
It's CoD so it sucks.
It is a good game, but In my opinion-it is bad.
It is a good game and I like it.

Author Topic: Got CoD: Ghosts.  (Read 7260 times)

To me, CoD Ghosts and BF4 were huge disappointments. I hated both of them.

cod ghosts and battlefield 4 are (in my opinion) good games, but battlefield has a few glitches and cod ghosts graphics aren't really good unless your playing on a xbox one, ps4 or pc.

cod ghosts and battlefield 4 are (in my opinion) good games, but battlefield has a few glitches and cod ghosts graphics aren't really good unless your playing on a xbox one, ps4 or pc.
Everyone in CoD Ghosts is about 18 people camping in every lobby. It just isn't fun. BF4 is too buggy and it frustrated me at launch to the point where I stopped playing. When your game crashes 8 times in 1 hour then there is a loving problem.

cod ghosts and battlefield 4 are (in my opinion) good games, but battlefield has a few glitches and cod ghosts graphics aren't really good unless your playing on a xbox one, ps4 or pc.

lol graphics on consoles.

i have also seen bf4 played on a ps4. it looks like complete stuff. like wtf. they had to have taken it down like 10 notches from the original game for the console port. and do they even have 64 player games?

are console people aware they are paying just as much for half the product? or are they just stupid and put up with the consumer abuse lol

I guarantee that is you put any other title on it, people would give it more respect, but just because it's Call of Duty game, people will bash it, even if they haven't played it. I have played the game, and it seems meh. Maybe a 7.5/10, with a good campaign, squads, and extinction, but the Multiplayer........ stay away from it. You thought the ACR, M16, FMG9s were bad, you haven't seen stuff.

Hit detection and spawning in Multiplayer is absolutely disgusting.

Free for All is the worst game mode, and that's rather depressing to say since FFA is my most played game mode in BO2.

Spawning in front of others, yeah that's good game mechanics. Treyarch should just take CoD off of Infinity Ward because those dipstuffs can't do anything good even if they tried as hard as they did this time around.
Can't, it is Activision's money whore of the decade. If Treyarch were to take it off their hands, it would be a much better series, and wouldn't come out probably every single loving year.

the multiplayer was alright, extinction was dumb and made no sense and the campaign sucked utter bollocks

i get about 5 frames on lowest settings windowed when i get 60 on Blops 2 fullscreen default settings

the multiplayer was alright, extinction was dumb and made no sense and the campaign sucked utter bollocks
I think the campaign was pretty good but the ending was a disappointment. Many people also say Multiplayer sucks and sometimes that means you don't know how too play.

"hey guys let's put this giant satellite that fires lasers right above our own country what can go wrong???"

"hey guys let's put this giant satellite that fires lasers right above our own country what can go wrong???"
that and building superweapons and launching them into space is internationally illegal

"hey guys let's put this giant satellite that fires lasers right above our own country what can go wrong???"
"hey guys it's totally possible to park a giant metal object in loving orbit"

"hey guys it's totally possible to park a giant metal object in loving orbit"
Who said Call of Duty had to be realistic :>

Who said Call of Duty had to be realistic :>
I take it you don't know what the international space station is