Author Topic: Space Engineers (Bug Fixing Period)  (Read 167664 times)

I made this video yesterday.

It was deleted 3 hours after being released due to "shocking content"

I got a big-ass warning by youtube on my first youtube video lol

so yeah mediafire stuff

I made this video yesterday.

It was deleted 3 hours after being released due to "shocking content"

I got a big-ass warning by youtube on my first youtube video lol

so yeah mediafire stuff

God what a stuff update

God what a stuff update

the devs get holidays too

they're probably working on something larger right now that isn't complete and at least want to provide something for players

Would've been better if you were somehow able to tame a cyberhound and use it as like a guard dog or something. Honestly i feel as if they're running out of ideas.

"What can we put on an uncharted planet, that no one in the history of mankind has stepped on"
"Hmm not good enough"
"Robot Dogs..."

the devs get holidays too

they're probably working on something larger right now that isn't complete and at least want to provide something for players


I don't know what netcode is stufftier, GTAV's or SE's.

the devs get holidays too

they're probably working on something larger right now that isn't complete and at least want to provide something for players
What about fixing bugs? Ced23ric outlined it pretty well in this post.

This doesn't include the pretty glaring exploit involving cargo and blueprints that has been in the game since projectors were implemented. There are a lot of problems with SE's stability so forgive me for being pissed about a three week moratorium from updates of actual substance (one of which broke multiplayer for a week, as evidenced with that thread) being broken by loving exploding dogs that can't be disabled. Thank GOD they put out a hotfix that solved this problem.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 05:42:58 PM by comr4de »

Reviving thread.
Anyone wants to play mp now that the game doesnt create a nuclear meltdown inside my pc

Would've been better if you were somehow able to tame a cyberhound and use it as like a guard dog or something. Honestly i feel as if they're running out of ideas.

"What can we put on an uncharted planet, that no one in the history of mankind has stepped on"
"Hmm not good enough"
"Robot Dogs..."
One theory is that they belong to space pirates


I don't know what netcode is stufftier, GTAV's or SE's.
SE is pretty bad but GTAV has a chance of not even connecting, period

Drone swarms will always be better than large ships. The only ships humans would ever realistically be in is transports.
One dreadnought would be like a million drones worth of money. And when you lose 1 drone you replace it. When you lose a dreadnought it's slightly more complicated.

Even today:
RQ-1 predator drone: $4 million
F22 raptor: $150 million

So basically 1 fighter jet with 8 missiles or 40 drones with 2 missiles each.
That's 10 times more firepower that you can distribute better and (depending on if there's a copilot) 1 or 2 human lives less you're risking.

They still haven't done anything with the sim speed. forget, how am i supposed to land a giant ass ship on a planet if time slows down immensely.

Reviving thread.
Anyone wants to play mp now that the game doesnt create a nuclear meltdown inside my pc
Nobody :(?

They still haven't done anything with the sim speed. forget, how am i supposed to land a giant ass ship on a planet if time slows down immensely.
Yeah, and since they unlinked player sim speed from server sim speed I desync all the goddamn time.

I've scrapped my old ship and started working on a new one (it isn't my fault really, I never finish anything ): ), and I'm really excited that I managed to capture a certain aesthetic that I've been after since getting this game, but I'm starting to mess up the composition. But uh here are some screenshots. Hard to tell what's going on right now, but hopefully I can clean it up eventually.

Please ignore the red text. They picked a bad key to bind their debug mode since it is the same as the steam screenshot button.

« Last Edit: February 02, 2016, 12:29:41 PM by LoLBert »

I have started working on

a ship!
all that stuff on the sides is to keep it from moving while I work on it, until I find real places to put the engines. do other people do that?
also, here it is, at the end of today's work:

(sry for dark picture)

and I wanted to ask if anyone has any ideas for how I can fill this bit in with windows?

otherwise I think I'm liking it so far. I'm writing a story (novel?), and it is the ship that the protagonists pilot. I can't draw and my modeling skills aren't up to par for this so I'm making it in space engineers instead! I'm not great at this kinda thing in general but hopefully it turns out at least decent looking
« Last Edit: February 13, 2016, 10:49:43 AM by Foxscotch »