
What's your Desktop Enviroment?

Unity (why not)

Author Topic: linux_megathread_3.pkg.tar.xz -- Post your desktop!  (Read 43992 times)

Dunno what to tell you then. If a screen isn't being found it's a driver problem.

Where is Red Star OS?
Where it should be.

Dunno what to tell you then. If a screen isn't being found it's a driver problem.
Aw. That's too bad. I'll do some googling around to see if I can find a solution.

Since grub autoconfigures itself to work with other operating systems, probably.

Nix convinced me to dual boot arch and I'm enjoying my time with it.

-rapey snip-

-lovey snip-
haskell! :D

Anyone here have any actual proper uses for linux other than being too poor to afford Windows or a good computer?

Anyone here have any actual proper uses for linux other than being too poor to afford Windows or a good computer?

i use debian for hosting things

I use it for better security

Anyone here have any actual proper uses for linux other than being too poor to afford Windows or a good computer?
Uh, yes. Windows is a loving terrible operating system, it's like driving a broken down Honda from 1970. The only thing going for it is that it has widespread adoption, so everything is compatible with it. Wine solves that problem, so there's no reason to use Windows.

Here's an example of how stuffty Windows is: with max shaders on Windows I get about 5-10fps. Right now on Linux via Wine I'm getting 500 fps with max shaders running a windows executable with linux (read: not as well developed) video card drivers. When Valve started porting their game engine to Linux, shortly after getting it to simply run it was already operating about 25% faster than it did on Windows.

I wouldn't say Windows is the broken down Honda. It takes a lot of effort to get Linux going because of all the missing support.

I'd say the comparison is that Windows is a relatively up-to-date, but very generic looking car that pretty much everyone has and uses. It works but it isn't the best (but it supports everything since it's what everyone uses). While, Linux is a kit to 'build your own car' (level of 'building' depending on the distro) and if you have the right parts and expertise, can be a Ferrari.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2014, 11:39:46 PM by Pecon »

Anyone here have any actual proper uses for linux other than being too poor to afford Windows or a good computer?
no, just no

I wouldn't say Windows is the broken down Honda. It takes a lot of effort to get Linux going because of all the missing support.
Unless you know what you are doing. Or are using Ubuntu.

I honestly use Linux for my personal computer because it is the most customizable thing loving EVER. I use windows on my gaming computer though. I might switch my gaming computer to Linux though due to Windows being so bloated and slow. And also I just figured out how to use Wine effectively so Windows is obsolete to me now.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 09:29:11 AM by blueblur121 »

Unless you know what you are doing. Or are using Ubuntu.

I honestly use Linux for my personal computer because it is the most customizable thing loving EVER. I use windows on my gaming computer though. I might switch my gaming computer to Linux though due to Windows being so bloated and slow. And also I just figured out how to use Wine effectively so Windows is obsolete to me now.
WINE still can't run everything, but it's mostly the fault of the application developers (they are using stuffty code or frameworks (and sometimes viruses/spyware like gameguard and xtrap))
then again aren't all compatibility problems just problems of the application developers being too incompetent to use cross-platform libraries? cross-platform game development is easy

WINE still can't run everything, but it's mostly the fault of the application developers (they are using stuffty code or frameworks (and sometimes viruses/spyware like gameguard and xtrap))
then again aren't all compatibility problems just problems of the application developers being too incompetent to use cross-platform libraries? cross-platform game development is easy
Unless you don't use libraries. #hardcorelife