
What's your Desktop Enviroment?

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Author Topic: linux_megathread_3.pkg.tar.xz -- Post your desktop!  (Read 43719 times)

I tried messing around with Arch a long time ago on a VM. I got messed up on the partitions :P

enjoy your 4 partition limit lel
That's only if you don't use logical partitions.

...Which I was stupid enough to do when I installed Manjaro. Still have yet to fix that.

Why the forget are macs so expensive. I mean holy stuff look at this.
I really hope it isn't because they think a different OS is a selling point.

That thing has only got a dual-core processor.
And this is the cheapest mac laptop available.
And these are the more expensive laptops.

enjoy your 4 partition limit lel
that's the amount i'd use, at most

That thing has only got a dual-core processor.
And this is the cheapest mac laptop available.
And these are the more expensive laptops.
Yeah, definitely far from worth it, but some people still seem to find reasons to buy one.

That $900 laptop only has 128GB of storage space. How the forget do people overlook this stuff. How are these being sold. This is taking advantage of public stupidity.

That $900 laptop only has 128GB of storage space. How the forget do people overlook this stuff. How are these being sold. This is taking advantage of public stupidity.
it says flash storage. I think that means solid state drives

Why the forget are macs so expensive. I mean holy stuff look at this.
I really hope it isn't because they think a different OS is a selling point.

Macs are luxury items. They are status symbols. If you show up to a college class with a ThinkPad people are going to think you only got it because you couldn't afford a mac. Now, the quality of a mac is highly debatable, but the answer to your question is: they're so expensive because people will pay that much for them.

that's the amount i'd use, at most
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on                               
/dev/sdb1       8.0G  5.8G  2.3G  72% /                                         
dev             1.5G     0  1.5G   0% /dev                                     
run             1.5G  668K  1.5G   1% /run                                     
tmpfs           1.5G  853M  661M  57% /dev/shm                                 
tmpfs           1.5G     0  1.5G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup                           
tmpfs           1.5G   36K  1.5G   1% /tmp                                     
/dev/sda1        75G   51G   25G  68% /srv/jukebox                             
/dev/sda3       5.8G   13M  5.5G   1% /srv/ffmpeg                               
/dev/sdb9       2.5G 1015M  1.5G  40% /srv/starbound                           
/dev/sdb2        93M   53M   36M  60% /boot                                     
/dev/sdb4        80G   46G   35G  57% /srv/files                               
/dev/sdb7       384M   33M  352M   9% /srv/email                               
/dev/sdb5        16G  8.2G  7.9G  51% /srv/paccache                             
/dev/sdb10      510M  288M  223M  57% /srv/blockland                           
/dev/sdb3       510M  337M  174M  67% /home                                     
/dev/sdb6      1020M  486M  535M  48% /srv/quake3
/dev/sda4       7.9G   38M  7.9G   1% /var/lib/gitlab/repositories

i need to clean my local server up

Macs are luxury items. They are status symbols. If you show up to a college class with a ThinkPad people are going to think you only got it because you couldn't afford a mac. Now, the quality of a mac is highly debatable, but the answer to your question is: they're so expensive because people will pay that much for them.
Taking advantage of public stupidity.

OT: Anyone know a good arch-based distro? I want a distro like arch, but with an automatic installation process. I want to use arch, but I don't want to go through the whole process of manually partitioning it and stuff like that.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2014, 07:41:45 PM by blueblur121 »

why did no one tell me about aur and yaourt

these are like the two most important things from arch linux

OT: Anyone know a good arch-based distro? I want a distro like arch, but with an automatic installation process. I want to use arch, but I don't want to go through the whole process of manually partitioning it and stuff like that.
Have we not mentioned Manjaro a hundred times?

This is taking advantage of public stupidity.
I'm unsure why you think this is a bad thing.

why did no one tell me about aur and yaourt

these are like the two most important things from arch linux
Yaourt has been mentioned a bunch of times.