Author Topic: THOMPSON (marooncacti) JUST CALLED MY HOME PHONE  (Read 12351 times)

You'll seriously read anything into anything
Nice job dodging everything else I said.

You'll seriously read anything into anything
I have to say the same about you
You're just assuming im making stuff up just for attention
Paranoid as forget if you ask me

You'll seriously read anything into anything
But you immediately came into the thread and started randomly calling bloukface an attention whore because he didn't supply proof, when in reality, Thompson has a past of calling people to get attention drawn towards himself.

People actually take Maroon seriously?

Nice job dodging everything else I said.
The rest of your argument is you making assumptions

The rest of your argument is you making assumptions
Actually you quoted the only assumption in his post.

And also it makes perfect sense that you are immediately acting super defensive. I think it was you who called bloukface.

Ok I biked all the way to best buy just to get on the forums
my parents blocked my tv so I cant get on it at home
They think im giving out my personal info on the nets and that there are a bunch of creeps on here

They also told me to leave forever. Well, thats not gonna happen lol

Im still pretty convinced its him because I never get calls on my home phone addressed to me
if this is true my alternate lungs will actually have a use

You know, I'll never understand why people do this type of thing.

Oh god here goes bloukface looking for more attention/sympathy
You're kidding right?

People actually take Maroon seriously?
some people havent realized he's like a level 10 autist and still do

Actually you quoted the only assumption in his post.

And also it makes perfect sense that you are immediately acting super defensive. I think it was you who called bloukface.
Oh so its not normal to defend yourself when some poeple make a batstuff crazy assumption that i did something like this?

Also everything in flatflyers argument is assumptions
He assuming that i did this because i'm angry at bloukface
And he doesn't "recall" anyone making fun of him

Basically his entire argument is opinions

Oh so its not normal to defend yourself when some poeple make a batstuff crazy assumption that i did something like this?
how is it a "batstuff crazy assumption", exactly?

how is it a "batstuff crazy assumption", exactly?

Oh SOOORRRRRYYY let me fine tune my words for you there frankie.

batstuff crazy normal assumption

fix'd that for ya chief

It's not "batstuff crazy" to think it was you when you have a history of doing stuff like this and even thompson himself said you were doing it to get people mad at him.

And no, I think you need to learn what an opinion is.
He noticed that you are angered at bloukface for some reason.
He said that you should ask for proof instead of claiming that OP is faking.
He responded to your post saying that no one made fun of bloukface. (Which was true. I don't even see where you got that from.)
He also said that bloukface wouldn't make something like this up.

It all seems in order to me.
And it all leads to you being angry at Thompson because of a conversation you two had. After that, you decided to make people angry at him by framing him, doing what he did before so people would actually believe it's him. Then, when we suspected it might be you, you started claiming that OP was whoring attention and that the whole thing never happened.

if you didnt do it you should really just shrug it off, your rep is already in the toilet anyway
i think the real issue is if it was thompson or you, both reasonable assumptions