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Total Members Voted: 22

Author Topic: RuneScape Megathread - HARDCORE IRONMAN  (Read 161592 times)

Launched in 2001, RuneScape is one of the most popular MMORPGs ever with almost 250,000,000 registered accounts!


In February 2013, RuneScape asked players if they wanted an official server hosted off of RuneScape from August 2007. Everyone said yes so now there's Old School RuneScape (abbreviated "OSRS")!

Jayce - Chunk-This
BubbaGum - d0gz
Pah1023 - lionheart1 / Xyrosa
Sentry - SentryTV / SentryHC
Shinyarceus4 - ReshiramFury
Deve - ChocoboPah
TerraFirma - DragonoidX
Pecon - Pecon
Name is Unavailable - Agent Bacon/Mirei
Landmineman4000² - Sloom100
Nickpb - LordRerh
Kyro - Kryogenic
Electrk - Electrk2
Cavik - Cavik
tails - Tailypoe
Aidan10 - Aidanthe13th
Moriarty - Varian Wrynn
Makingblah - Donnacha
weaver123 - Skweave
« Last Edit: February 28, 2018, 08:15:47 PM by Freek »

This is a VERY old game, lol. I bet that, if I try, I could log back into my old account.

This is a VERY old game, lol. I bet that, if I try, I could log back into my old account.
It is but it's been updated a lot so it doesn't really look aged.

I would only play this game so that I could play Runescape Classic
But I don't feel like paying a monthly fee for an outdated game.

the farming thing in the skills guide should say "grow the dank all day" because that's pretty much what it is.

runescape sucks  :iceCream: :iceCream:
« Last Edit: October 23, 2015, 05:45:11 PM by Nal »

Man, I used to play this all of the time. It got kinda stale for me after a few years though.

used to play this tons, i've considered playing old school but i can't pay for membership :(

I had membership and had autopay (I guess it's on by default?), unfortunately I stopped playing and forgot about it, my mom got a new debit card and the they continued to try to get money from it each month (I guess it didn't click after the first 2?), so I guess they finally decided to stop after 3 months of membership (that I wasn't even aware of) that went unpaid that I now have to pay them back for before I can play on my account.

I was so proud of myself when I beat a lesser demon for the first time with melee on the "Dragon Slayer" quest.

Never actually played this game.
what kind of rpg is it?
and is it very grindy?

don't particularly enjoy grindy games.
they tend to get boring fairly quickly with me.