Author Topic: not so illegal stuff in my school...  (Read 4750 times)

they can't do that it's oppression!!!111!!

my point is that there is research on tumblr

how is that relevant at all
i already know that they "partnered" with those companies and ive already come to the conclusion that im not comfortable of the idea of them collecting data on me but im not going to go out of my way to stop them
Then why are you going out of your way to complain about schools monitoring your education when you willingly let the NSA spy on a much wider array of things such as your social life.

but what if they already did their work
Then get off the computer. The school computers are for learning and not for games/social media.

Then why are you going out of your way to complain about schools monitoring your education when you willingly let the NSA spy on a much wider array of things such as your social life.
Posting on a forum is going out of my way? Jeez
And I'm not "willingly" , if I didn't have to believe me I wouldn't
Then get off the computer. The school computers are for learning and not for games/social media.
And just sit there? Yeah ok

my point is that there is research on tumblr
i assumed your browsers automatically blocked any images from loading.

im sure you wouldnt mind if your mom or something did the same thing then lol

That's not the same thing at all. You're at school, you don't have a personal computer. You're using the school's computer. It seems like you really don't understand that point. Normally when people say if you're not guilty you have nothing to hide it's bullstuff. But this is at a middle/high school. The only things you should be doing on a school computer is school related stuff. Also if I wasn't an adult and my parents wanted to go through my computer I wouldn't like it but they can, because I'm a child and their responsibility.

And just sit there? Yeah ok
Study, take out a school book and study, that is what you are there for anyway.
Even if you have good grades, it doesn't hurt to get better / ahead of the class.
You could even do homework, then you have more time at home to do stuff.

That's not the same thing at all. You're at school, you don't have a personal computer. You're using the school's computer. It seems like you really don't understand that point. Normally when people say if you're not guilty you have nothing to hide it's bullstuff. But this is at a middle/high school. The only things you should be doing on a school computer is school related stuff. Also if I wasn't an adult and my parents wanted to go through my computer I wouldn't like it but they can, because I'm a child and their responsibility.
Study, take out a school book and study, that is what you are there for anyway.
Even if you have good grades, it doesn't hurt to get better / ahead of the class.
You could even do homework, then you have more time at home to do stuff.
Why should the school care if they get on twitter or something (as long as it's not causing issues)
While it is somewhere where you should be learning saying that there's always something to do is bullstuff
I pay 8 grand a year for high school and I still have plenty of downtime

And just sit there? Yeah ok
The school computers are not yours. Using someone else's possession is a priviledge, not a right. They have rules and you have to follow them.

The school computers are not yours. Using someone else's possession is a priviledge, not a right. They have rules and you have to follow them.
Then why do I have so few rules to follow at school?
While you're correct it's unfair when the rules are dumb

Then why do I have so few rules to follow at school?
While you're correct it's unfair when the rules are dumb
Similar could be said why do I have to follow the rules on the forums?
I've paid for it, so why can't I do as I please?
It's because by going on the forums I agree to the terms.
And by going to school and using their equipment you agree to follow their rules, terms of service, etc.

Similar could be said why do I have to follow the rules on the forums?
I've paid for it, so why can't I do as I please?
It's because by going on the forums I agree to the terms.
And by going to school and using their equipment you agree to follow their rules, terms of service, etc.
Or because you're able to control what you do?
Badspot shouldn't need to refresh your posts constantly (similar to what the teacher is doing) and he should expect you follow the rules without having to monitor you

It makes perfect sense. It's their computers and they're letting you use them with moderation.

It makes perfect sense. It's their computers and they're letting you use them with moderation.
The students, in most cases, should manage themselves
It's not up to the teacher to force a kid to pass

The students, in most cases, should manage themselves
It's not up to the teacher to force a kid to pass
It is up to the staff to try to prevent you from breaking the policies for use of school equipment