Author Topic: not so illegal stuff in my school...  (Read 4751 times)

my school blocks every social network site except instagram

We use the Lightspeed blocking system or whatever it is. Pretty easy to bypass with a proxy.

They can do whatever they want legally because they own the computers

my school blocks most forums, but leaves things like facebook, snapchat and tumblr alone for some reason

sadly its completely legal
doesnt mean its ethical though
how would teachers like if the principal did the same thing to them? they'd probably throw a fit
Yea, well they are teachers, these are students using school provided hardware. They do it so they can make sure the students are doing what they are suppose to do and not doing anything malicious.

So you can stop preaching about the NSA, privacy rights, etc.

So you can stop preaching about the NSA, privacy rights, etc.
why? its not like privacy isnt a major issue here
just because they legally can doesnt mean they should
and do you really think the majority of students are going to do something besides school work if the teacher doesnt suck

why? its not like privacy isnt a major issue here
just because they legally can doesnt mean they should
and do you really think the majority of students are going to do something besides school work if the teacher doesnt suck
it's to keep the students in line. If you really wanna go look up your gay murder research go do it through a proxy on your iphone.

it's to keep the students in line
thats what the teacher is for lol

why? its not like privacy isnt a major issue here
just because they legally can doesnt mean they should
and do you really think the majority of students are going to do something besides school work if the teacher doesnt suck
It's their hardware, and they are making sure it is being used how they intended t. Why the hell would you care if you are not doing anything bad? Wouldn't you want your teacher to see your doing your work and maybe give you a 'good job' or something?

thats what the teacher is for lol

Teachers can't look at everyone's monitors at once from their seat, that's why they have the programs

It's their hardware, and they are making sure it is being used how they intended t.
as long as the students are completing work there really isnt a reason to record everything they do
Why the hell would you care if you are not doing anything bad? Wouldn't you want your teacher to see your doing your work and maybe give you a 'good job' or something?
its creepy? its pretty much the same as the teacher standing behind you the entire time watching you work
Teachers can't look at everyone's monitors at once from their seat, that's why they have the programs
why are they recording it then

as long as the students are completing work there really isnt a reason to record everything they doits creepy? its pretty much the same as the teacher standing behind you the entire time watching you workwhy are they recording it then
Then don't use their loving computers, matter of dact don't use any technology because evil big brother NSA is watching everyone to prevent terrorism, so evil!!1!

why are they recording it then
because they cant look at it all at the same time and they could be doing anything

its pretty much the same as the teacher standing behind you the entire time watching you work
This is exactly the point, if you wouldn't do it while a teacher is looking right at you then you shouldn't be doing it at all.

because they cant look at it all at the same time and they could be doing anything

This is exactly the point, if you wouldn't do it while a teacher is looking right at you then you shouldn't be doing it at all.
that relies on the students to check themselves and what theyre doing (if it isnt some stuffty public school or something)
software shouldnt have to force them to
Then don't use their loving computers, matter of dact don't use any technology because evil big brother NSA is watching everyone to prevent terrorism, so evil!!1!
you actually believe its to prevent terrorism? lol
regardless thats not the point at all

Man Frankie is loving handicapped. They're not invading anyone's privacy, they have monitoring software on the computers they own. This is is no way similar to spying, I also really doubt they're recording anything. They probably have software setup looking for key phrases then report the account. Also a teacher can look at a person's screen so the kid can't close whatever it is they're doing when they see them walking over.

Privacy is a real problem but crying about stuff like this makes you a whiny crybaby. I also think it's pretty funny you thought this was "really illegal", like what at all made you think that?

Man Frankie is loving handicapped. They're not invading anyone's privacy, they have monitoring software on the computers they own. This is is no way similar to spying, I also really doubt they're recording anything. They probably have software setup looking for key phrases then report the account. Also a teacher can look at a person's screen so the kid can't close whatever it is they're doing when they see them walking over.
im sure you wouldnt mind if your mom or something did the same thing then lol