Author Topic: Souls Thread (Demon; Dark 1, 2)  (Read 58846 times)

so I got Dark Souls with the Games With Gold and my friend encouraged me to play through it even though it will be incredibly painful

so I have the gargoyle halberd +10 and it wrecks. I just beat Ornstein and smough and Im headed down to beat pinwheel then get the very large ember so I can +15 my halberd

Im at Andre after repairing some weapons and im trying out some new ones. WELL I accidently smash andre and piss him off so i freak out and unplug my xbox. Turn it back on and hes still hostile :( I already killed the guy in the belltower so I cant make Andre friendly so I kill him

So no more +15 with my Halberd :/ I restarted and Im level 24 just saving up a lot of souls before I move on. Sucks but I can get back to where I was much quicker.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2014, 07:02:58 PM by SlayerZ99 »

I already killed the guy in the belltower so I cant make Andre friendly so I kill him
lol wat
why would you ever do that??? jesus christ.
anyways, get dsfix, it makes backups of saves so you can revert to a backup if u forget something up.

so I got Dark Souls with the Games With Gold and my friend encouraged me to play through it even though it will be incredibly painful

so I have the gargoyle halberd +10 and it wrecks. I just beat Ornstein and smough and Im headed down to beat pinwheel then get the very large ember so I can +15 my halberd

Im at Andre after repairing some weapons and im trying out some new ones. WELL I accidently smash andre and piss him off so i freak out and unplug my xbox. Turn it back on and hes still hostile :( I already killed the guy in the belltower so I cant make Andre friendly so I kill him

So no more +15 with my Halberd :/ I restarted and Im level 24 just saving up a lot of souls before I move on. Sucks but I can get back to where I was much quicker.
>killing all the npcs you see
you deserve it pleb

lol wat
why would you ever do that??? jesus christ.
anyways, get dsfix, it makes backups of saves so you can revert to a backup if u forget something up.
idk if you can do that with xbox...

anyways hes dead and I dont mind restarting. And you automatically get the Gargoyle Halberd once you beat the Gargoyle in Anor Londo.

I just dread going back down to Blighttown

>killing all the npcs you see
you deserve it pleb
i only kill the ones i dont like

which is that guy, the guy at firelink shire, the guy in the jail cell in the bell tower and a few more...

welcome to dank souls
how horrible

i just noticed the wizards helmet today too with the 6 eyes

I've also been trying desperately to get the Baller Swag Sword

which is that guy, the guy at firelink shire, the guy in the jail cell in the bell tower and a few more...
i understand killing lautrec, but crestfallen warrior? you're a loving monster. I bet you killed oscar too.

i understand killing lautrec, but crestfallen warrior? you're a loving monster. I bet you killed oscar too.
oscar? The guy in the church? yea...

gargoyle halberd has a mind of its own

Oh oscar
no but I saw him die

oscar? The guy in the church? yea...

gargoyle halberd has a mind of its own
the only friendly NPC I've ever killed is the one you rescue from the church just before the bell tower, all he gives you is a dumb ass ring. So i kicked him off the cliff and got 1000 souls and a ring that ups your health and stamina.

the only friendly NPC I've ever killed is the one you rescue from the church just before the bell tower, all he gives you is a dumb ass ring. So i kicked him off the cliff and got 1000 souls and a ring that ups your health and stamina.
yea I got 3 humanity from him too so that was nice

AND OMFG I was in the Forest Hunters covenant and you know all the guardians that stand in the forest?
WELL LET ME TELL YOU. The ninja person FELL OF THE CLIFF died and I got blamed for it and they kicked me out

the only friendly NPC I've ever killed is the one you rescue from the church just before the bell tower, all he gives you is a dumb ass ring. So i kicked him off the cliff and got 1000 souls and a ring that ups your health and stamina.
You should always kill him (unless you want his armor, and that's a pain to get.) if you let him live after you ring the blighttown bell he will kill the firelink fire keeper.

yea I got 3 humanity from him too so that was nice

AND OMFG I was in the Forest Hunters covenant and you know all the guardians that stand in the forest?
WELL LET ME TELL YOU. The ninja person FELL OF THE CLIFF died and I got blamed for it and they kicked me out

you should kill the ninja guy guarding shiva in every run. he drops the dark wood grain ring, which allows you to flip when you roll if you are at or under 25% equip load.