Author Topic: police threatens to give a man a ticket for washing his car  (Read 2533 times)

Television licensing funds the BBC. If you have a television that recieves TV signals you need to have a TV license. You can have a TV without paying the license. You just can't then recieve TV signals.
It's because the BBC is funded via the government through the TV license that they remain politically neutral in their reporting.

you can tell a video about a cop is gonna be a mess if it says "his own property" in the title

Television licensing funds the BBC. If you have a television that recieves TV signals you need to have a TV license. You can have a TV without paying the license. You just can't then recieve TV signals.
It's because the BBC is funded via the government through the TV license that they remain politically neutral in their reporting.
tv license
good idea

government funded television
good idea

you can tell a video about a cop is gonna be a mess if it says "his own property" in the title
washing his car/not having a license plate isn't illegal since it's on private property
« Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 10:54:18 PM by Nonnel »

That's loving horrible. TV shouldn't be socialized. Now you have to pay for a TV, television service, AND government fees on it?
(as well as internet if you use it with a TV and power)

he didn't have a front license plate. he deserves that ticket

he didn't have a front license plate. he deserves that ticket

He wasn't driving it.

soon we'll be getting tickets for owning a car


Bulletin: Your carbon footprint is too big.  All vehicles are now banned; you are now riding bikes. Suck it.

- Vladimir Putin, dictator of United States of Russia

Putin 19, 2045

Uhm, why do they always make it look like the police officer was the one who ordered himself to come down there and threaten the dude?

Uhm, why do they always make it look like the police officer was the one who ordered himself to come down there and threaten the dude?
Well yes the officer was called, but it wasn't something that should have been an issue. The guy was washing his own car on his own property. If that's against the law, then there's something wrong with the law.

Why would his car need a front plate if he's not driving it? He's just cleaning it on his property.

25 feet from the center point of the road twords a residence is public property/easment.

If you in front of your house with no fence around your yard you are in public.
its the law and he deserved it, but its still a dumb law

Well yes the officer was called, but it wasn't something that should have been an issue. The guy was washing his own car on his own property. If that's against the law, then there's something wrong with the law.
The founding fathers are no doubt rolling in their graves right now regarding how backwards America has become

though im sure if Sheldon Cooper played Blockland, he'd come in this thread and give me a detailed rebuttal about how it would be physically impossible for century-old corpses to "roll in their grave" because all the muscular tissues they would need to physically do the rolling would have already decomposed long ago

though im sure if Sheldon Cooper played Blockland, he'd come in this thread and give me a detailed rebuttal about how it would be physically impossible for century-old corpses to "roll in their grave" because all the muscular tissues they would need to physically do the rolling would have already decomposed long ago
how is this relevant

its the law and he deserved it, but its still a dumb law
Now that's just ridiculous. Why would private property be public?

how is this relevant

You were not the intended demographic for the joke, just like the series where the joke comes from, hue.

OT: Things like these make me feel sad that I live in "America, Land of Obligatory Insurance"