Author Topic: Astrocomical  (Read 8140 times)

special thanx 2 thekid for tellin me how to draw an egg

stub your other toe and sue the wall for money

You live with this wall now. Imagine how many toe stubs it's gonna give you after you win your case...!

admire star shaped magnetic

read the note under the star shaped magnet

"Out for robot repairs.

Mm. Guess she'll be back later--



But what kind of robot is it? Hm...

then examine the circle on the calendar

The circle's on May 31, the same day as the robot competition. And today is...

...May 31. W-wait, are you missing the competition?!

Reading a newspaper... Yeah, a bit old-fashioned, but you don't have any connection here. Plus, you don't know the Wi-Fi password either.

"26th Takazu Biennial Robot Competition Postponed
After discovering a crashed spaceship within 100km of the competition site, the competition has been postponed for two weeks due to security concerns. 'Last time we held the competition, there was a terrorist attack,' commented the organizer. 'We don't want that to happen again.'"

This article's about you!
...It's a strange feeling. And it makes you a little nervous.

There was a terrorist attack last time? Why did it happen? How many people were injured?
Do you still want to go see it in person...? You came all this way, but...

get Breakfast
crashing a ship really gives you a appetite.

jack some food from the fridge

Well... there's some eggs.

Let's scramble some eggs!


Take star shaped magnet in case of that one rare situation where a star shaped magnet will be the key to resolution

Well, alright...

[Pocketed "StarMagnet".]

obtain space orange juice or space fruit punch from fridge, take a seat, and mourn toe



"Get some orange juice/fruit punch

Now that that's said and done, what's next?

Eat Breakfast and watch news on TV to see what they're saying about your ship.

Go find Mizuchi Minato and the robots
« Last Edit: September 28, 2014, 01:42:20 AM by Cybertails1998 »

Get some neosporin for that bandage, it needs to heal faster. Bandages make you look tough, and when you look tough you attract the wrong crowd, and when you attract the wrong crowd you'll wake up near a roadside ditch.

ok first of all who doesnt keep at least some kind of sweet drink in their house.

but srsly, forget dude; we gotta fukin run. we're in DEEP stuff, DUDE! i mean, not only did we crash the spaceship (gj nerd) but now we could potentially be investigated for TERRORISM.
oh man.
oh man.

first they're gonna see the spaceship's registered to our parents, so we're gonna get an earful from them when they find out, but after the space police find out it wasnt them who was driving it, they're gonna canvas the surrounding area for information. they're eventually gonna get to minato's house (i mean, we did WALK there, it can't be too far!) and what's she gonna say? If I were her, i wouldn't wanna harbor someone that I was just told could have possible terrorist connections.

so here's the plan: quickly, while she's out, doing robot things, we rid ourselves of any connection with this establishment. wipe down surfaces (do we have.... clawprints??), leave a note detailing the exact responses minato should say to the space police, and scrounge around the house for change to buy a taxi. of course, a long taxi ride will be too suspicious, so chain multiple rides together until we get somewhere far away and safe. we'll have to forego the robo comp now, it's for our own good.

we need to start up a new life, sever old connections; we're a new person now. no. no more mizuchi akai. that person doesnt exist anymore. we forge a new identity henceforth. we get a job. we bounce from place to place til we can afford some suitable dwelling. it's gonna be hard times from now on, but i think we can do it. we have to stay off the radar, use a few aliases, no more fancy smartphones, we have to stick to prepaids. we'll have to convince everyone mizuchi doesnt exist anymore, so there's no reason to search.

we'll have to fake our own death.
yes, that's the only way.

it isnt gonna be simple, but it's doable. make it look like intracell violence. things got heated in our alleged terrorist cell and they couldnt have a liability like us around anymore. (we did crash the spaceship, anyway -- there's the motivation!) it's gonna get complicated from this point on but we'll have to get a body. preferably one that's been deceased for a few weeks. we hide it in the woods, near a river. we place notes and clues to make it look like an execution. they'll find the body, assume it's mizuchi's (because we removed all identifiable features.) and be off in search for the "killers". by this time we'll be long gone and nothing can tie us to the scene.

solid plan LETS GO-

holy stuff

also: take angryfaic magnet
« Last Edit: September 28, 2014, 02:33:07 AM by TheKid »

Get fish from fridge and perform ritual to summon chickenmaster, as they seem to know how stuff works

stare menacingly at the toe-destroying wall until it bends to your will

Or she can work with battergirl as prostitutes

Find a map, or just watch the news.

Or watch the news while looking for a map.

Also, what's the name of this alien language?

cant wait for the next one ♥