
Do you support the death penalty?

Only if the person is an ongoing danger to society.

Author Topic: Death Penalty - Ye or Ne? - also why terrorists are better than murderers  (Read 9984 times)

Terrorists honestly believe what they are doing is right. They have a religious conviction to do what they do, and they have often been raised by their society to do such things. They think they are doing what their god wants. Obviously not very many people agree with them.

Serial killers and murders know what they are doing is wrong. They know they are evil. They are killing for personal gain or out of anger. They have no excuse.

All terrorists? Idk man I don't think The Joker or Elliot Roger were religious.

Terrorists honestly believe what they are doing is right. They have a religious conviction to do what they do, and they have often been raised by their society to do such things. They think they are doing what their god wants. Obviously not very many people agree with them.

Serial killers and murders know what they are doing is wrong. They know they are evil. They are killing for personal gain or out of anger. They have no excuse.
You're loving kidding right? It doesn't matter if "They believe what they're doing is right" THEY ARE KILLING PEOPLE. Holy stuff it's not that hard to understand. I'm tired of people using religion as an excuse for killing people BECAUSE IT'S NOT.

Did you know that there's a proven 0% reoffence rate when capital punishment is used? It also guarantees that dangerous individuals aren't in society.
life in prison accomplishes both of those things and doesn't end in the loss of more human life

what it comes down to in my mind is if you plan on keeping someone locked up for their entire life with no chance of parole, you're paying so much from taxpayers money to keep them alive.

sorry but if it makes me an inhumane person to say that someone who possibly kills small children for fun isn't someone who's life I want to fund, then I don't understand society.

life in prison accomplishes both of those things and doesn't end in the loss of more human life
why have them waste resources for the rest of their life

why have them waste resources for the rest of their life

Prepare the bunker for the barrage of retaliation at this statement.

why have them waste resources for the rest of their life
because otherwise you're killing a human being

The opinions of both sides are equally reasonable, whichever one is more ethical is just based on opinion.

because otherwise you're killing a human being
A human being who's possibly commited many acts of heinous crimes against humanity? A human being who's life has basically ended once they've gotten the life sentence? A human being who can't offer anything to society any more? They've killed a human being too, and no one said "oh you can't kill him cause you'd be killing a human being" to the killer when he attempted, and succeeded.

because otherwise you're killing a human being
you're killing a human being who is nothing but a pest and disgrace to society. this pest has also most likely killed other human beings.
there is nothing unethical with killing him

because otherwise you're killing a human being
who can contribute nothing to society and rot in a cell for the rest of his life, great

Why can't the death penalty be how it used to be? Using a guillotine is much more entertaining

we need to get rid of lethal injection and replace it with bullet to the head or a full firing squad.

i agree with zeablot. terrorists are better than Hardcore Gamers

death penalty? ye

Some starfishs do deserve to die.