Author Topic: Server Crashes When Some People Join  (Read 53473 times)

candy apple was muslim. I gave him his avatar and when he talked to me about that he was still using the name muslim on steam
he also asked me if candy apple was a good name for an alt

Right, I'm the starfish here - not the kids crashing servers, ddosing my web servers, phishing forum passwords, phishing blockland keys - it's all me

Why is it you're attacking the creator of this game, forums, and all his stuff when you fully know he can shut you and just you down permanently? You don't know if he has a Dox on you so he can know all of your information and code an auto reject whenever you try to evade a ban with a new account. Be thankful he hasn't banned you off of all his websites.

wow guys their goals have been achieved
It's funny how seriously they take this.
I would make a reddit account to disprove everything in that post, but they would just find some way to make it sound like we're the ones in the bad and ignore it, so I won't bother.
So I'll just say this here and short.

"Yeah, badspot's totally the one in the wrong here."

Hell, I'll say one more thing.
"Oh stuff dude, forget those guys from the reddit they're so handicapped and we're so smart!"
"Yeah man they're so dumb and we're better than them because we participate in acting like richardwads on the official forum!"
Maybe we think this because you guys act like pretentious starfishs who think they're better by trying to bring down the game? Just a thought.

they literally have no life, it's like they can't stop talking about a game they hate... i just don't get it. if they hate it why are they doing this? i hate minecraft's community but you don't see me creating  a cringy subreddit full of ignorant twats who have no life, i just ignore those idiots.

it's like they think they need to rebell or something, dude this is just a crappy indie game i don't understand all the negativity, it isn't even that popular.

wow guys their goals have been achieved

Best part about this entire post, despite it being a cringe marathon, is that they're describing themselves while not even realizing it.

There is so much arrogance with the users on that forum and it just makes me laugh at how many internet tough guys dwell within that community.
Take a step back from that dump and what do you see? A circle jerk of preteen morons reassuring each other that they're cool and funny when they're honestly just a bunch of dimwitted little brats.

And now for some commentary:

Brought massive awareness to Blockland's corrupted developer

Yeah man, those 5 people will totally not buy the game now. A fatal hit for Blockland and everyone associated with it.

Prevented dozens, if not hundreds of sales due to bringing awareness to outsiders who are actually normal people, hence why they don't approve of Blockland's community.

Read comment above.

Brought the king (Badspot) to his knees after his years of unrivaled superiority over his users by acting like the ultimate internet tough guy simply by showing him that he cannot overpower us, the NORMAL people.

loving lol. Literally nothing is happening but the utter destruction of people who actively harass the community.

Turned Badspot from offensive to defensive as he now resorts to many hypocritical actions (posting doxes, flexing his might as admin by silencing protesters on the forums with silent bans, etc.)

"silencing protesters"

It's pretty cute how they think they're actually doing anything at all.

Caused Badspot to make himself look like an starfish on the Steam reviews simply by revealing his true nature through his developer comments on our reviews.

Yeah, forget him for speaking up about the false information people are spreading about this game. You know, the people who give negative reviews and have over 1k hours of playtime.

Well, Badspot now seems pretty pathetic now that people have realized he's not all powerful just because he owns the game and the site.

Yeah man, power to the people! *puts on dirty wig and flower headband*

Honestly, this entire thing is just embarrassing. People who got banned for being stufflords like MaroonCacti are now also joining the subreddit in their useless antics. A lot of the people posting there, as far as I know, weren't even part of any of this. Why are they posting like they did anything at all?

And they think we're the ones wasting time lol
We're just playing a game we like.
If you don't like it fine but you don't need to get all pissy about it and try to rebel or some stuff.
And I know half of the whole subreddit is about badspot being a "horrible person in general", and to that I say:

It's your own damn fault if you got banned, if you say otherwise you're wrong.
Badspot bans to keep the idiots out. If you were one of those idiots, that's why.

I tried to get through to them, but I can't. They're denser than loving lead.

I used to know Maroon. Tis a shame how far he has fallen.

I can't wait 'til they make a post saying how we are wrong in every single way

at first that section was some troll hobby to piss people off but now they are so into it its practically their life. its disturbing to read. they might justify it with "oh ya u just got rused" and laugh but its a pretty forgeted up mentality from anyone elses point of view(thats normal)


  • Administrator
The purge continues:

  • Aware  stuffty attitude, examples start here
  • awesomebread  Snark.
  • Cortunix  Previous account: st8terblock (banned here) Continues to be an entitled forget and flame without provocation
  • Chrono  Argued extensively for deletion of drama board while causing huge drama himself.  Proposes 'no drama' rule to solve everything.

Mainly these people were just stuffty to me personally. 

This is not a trial, this is an announcement.  If you want a complete breakdown of why these people are stuffty, you can read their entire post histories yourself.

and another one gone, and another one gone
another one bites the dust