Author Topic: Server Crashes When Some People Join  (Read 53494 times)

any thoughts on who the next purge victims will be?

Pick any two of:

Emo Freak (Obvious.)
Furdle (He's not as much of a richard as he was before, but still.)
Ten-Speed (stuffposted a forgetton a while ago, seems to have cooled down a bit)
NeroTheDarkLord (Recently rejoined alt of Qew, a troll.)
nah89 Negligible handicapation, possible spam, mostly stuffposts.

i'm going with furdle and either emo or ten-speed.

Nero and Furd

As much as it hurts to say this, I'm not sure Emo has really broken many rules frequently enough to actually be purged. He hasn't been really enough of a jerk from what I've seen, just really, really creepy. Of course, I have only been here for about two months, so what do I know.
DISCLAIMER: I am not affiliated with Emo Freak in any way. If he sees this post and asks for homolove, he will promptly be rejected. He may still end up getting purged.

What has Furdle done to deserve a ban?
I mean Emo Freak I get, but Furdle?

What has Furdle done to deserve a ban?
I mean Emo Freak I get, but Furdle?
people associate their level of dislike for a user with the amount that user has actually done wrong. the two are related, not correlated.

well furdle has falsely reported threads and caused arguements/flamed in the past.

well everyone has falsely reported threads and caused arguments/flamed in the past.

I mean Furdle is annoying at times, but he nonetheless has helpful things to say from time to time.  His posts in Gallery topics tend to be wholly constructive.

most of the arguments that start in the Drawing/Oc megathread are started by, or related, to flatflyer

it's best to just target the source and end all the bullstuff already

Uh, no, sorry, I don't send idiotic reports. I rarely even start arguments, I generally just jump in.

I mean Furdle is annoying at times, but he nonetheless has helpful things to say from time to time.  His posts in Gallery topics tend to be wholly constructive.
All he does is build his ego in the gallery, when has he ever done anything constructive in there?

Taboo only fuels fires, never starts them.

people associate their level of dislike for a user with the amount that user has actually done wrong. the two are related, not correlated.
Related = correlated?