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Total Members Voted: 13

Author Topic: Anagaea II – A New Age of Empires [1117 AD]  (Read 112202 times)

Until Albiton's government next sends ships, which could be a week or could be never.

I really just wanted to negotiate not pay money

Several Tei land in Enteland and immediately feel at home, the islanders are reluctant towards the more mystical aspects of Baoism, however the focus on peace and coexistance really strikes a chord with Enteland culture.

Many Tei end up remaining at this island to learn in return from the people how such an equalistic oriented society could exist successfully, and several people from the villages there are nominated for scholarship at the Academies of Bao and Kai in Ru'sh Naal.

Several Tei land in Enteland and immediately feel at home, the islanders are reluctant towards the more mystical aspects of Baoism, however the focus on peace and coexistance really strikes a chord with Enteland culture.

Many Tei end up remaining at this island to learn in return from the people how such an equalistic oriented society could exist successfully, and several people from the villages there are nominated for scholarship at the Academies of Bao and Kai in Ru'sh Naal.
I'm gonna have to invoke rules 9 and 10, as well as use the unwritten but hopefully understood rule of powergaming here.

There was no "We send people to explore and leave moderators to explain the demographic."  You kinda just manipulated the circumstances.

Also isn't Enteland like 99.999% isolated?

Yeah.  And I would assume that while they would be charitable to outsiders that come peacefully, they would prefer that their nearly utopian society would remain untouched, and send them away kindly, though with gifts.

And by extension of rule 11, if it's posted in text form, it doesn't mean that your nation knows about them.  I'm sure that Ezbátu knows nothing about Auria or the Sordelands, even though information was posted.  It only becomes known when your people discover it.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2014, 06:52:09 PM by SWAT One »

National Status Index 2
(Excluding Caprica still)


1. Galaumia
2. Atenisia
3. Hlaohamarr
4. Espovon
5. Lotavik (Estrand)
6. Avalonia
7. Ru'sh Naal
8. Rēsugurētā
9. Auria
10. Ezbátu

1. Galaumia
2. Atenisia
3. Ru'sh Naal
4. Espovon
5. Avalonia
6. Hlaohamarr
7. Auria
8. Lotavik (Estrand)
9. Ezbátu
10. Rēsugurētā

1. Galaumia
2. Atenisia
3. Hlaohamarr
4. Espovon
5. Rēsugurētā
6. Ru'sh Naal
7. Avalonia
8. Lotavik (Estrand)
9. Auria
10. Ezbátu
Domestic Stability          

1. Hlaohamarr
2. Galaumia
3. Ru'sh Naal
4. Espovon
5. Auria
6. Lotavik (Estrand)
7. Rēsugurētā
8. Atenisia
9. Avalonia
10. Ezbátu
Scientific Advancement          

1. Galaumia
2. Avalonia
3. Ru'sh Naal
4. Ezbátu
5. Hlaohamarr
6. Espovon
7. Lotavik (Estrand)
8. Atenisia
9. Rēsugurētā
10. Auria

Edit:  Sorry, forgot to factor in REs.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2014, 10:52:17 PM by SWAT One »

"We send people to explore and leave moderators to explain the demographic." 
Sorry I meant to explain what my people did, they liked it there and preached their message. I do not know how the people will respond and I apologize if it was too asumatory and predicted the likely short term response so there would be not just an awkward pause/nothing happing whatsoever as i land on the island like there has been the last few times but ok.

 I dont know what the islands response was yet, i just noticed in reading the culture of the island was similar to my people and we had been in the neighboring area on our previous trade routes that i do understand dont let us go all the way to atensia but were in that direction.


lets go booya
anyways its p crazy that me and atenisia are top 3 in every category (except for domestic stability but who cares about that, also why is avalonia above atenisia in DS)
there is going to be some pretty crazy conflict if the holy nations ever hear of the islamic empire
« Last Edit: December 10, 2014, 08:05:57 PM by mlockha »

If the darn -50% RE hadn't set me back...  Oh well.  I did it to myself after all.

It seems clear that for now, the reforms are over.  Many people are pleased with the reformed courts.  Work to promote unity between the provinces of the New Union and promote a sense of nationalism is running strong.  Two nationalistic holidays are created, and will be celebrated annually: Restoration Day and Unification Day, marking the anniversaries of the return of the Avalonian Council to power in Nazgar, and the formation of the New Union including Espul and Gerand.

Efforts to integrate the militaries of the various provinces into one national military loyal to the New Union are going well.  Avalonian/Plexian/Britonic cavalry tactics, technique, and general awesomeness, paired with more advanced Espulian/Gerandian naval practices have improved military capabilities across the board to a small degree, an improvement that will be made more manifest once the militaries are fully integrated and the draft type policy becomes a part of life rather than a drag to many people outside of Espul and Gerand.

Work to improve the infrastructure in Espul and the eastern part of Geran commences, as bad roads have made travel more difficult.  A university and library are also set up in Kosbrunn and Gerand's capitol.

Efforts to retrieve important documents and some moneys from the chaos that is South Calzone have ultimately proven fruitless, although some funds, artwork, government documents, and books are salvaged.  Sadly though, Dabo, where the majority of this stuff was intended to be recovered from, is like zealot Jerusalem following an act of arson several years ago that claimed some very old buildings holding the sort of things that Avalonia was after.

Avalonia will be best.  New Union will withstand Northerners.

As far as range goes, does the X to Atensia approximation apply to my capitol or to my frontiers and coastline?  Does having Plexia under my control make it so I can reach Bequelans, or do I assume that the distance is measured from my capitol or whatever?

guys if i am right south calzone is uh

dictator bad guy yes

Ok cool so I'm ok with that, my guys visit the island and study their customs but arn't allowed to move in like they want sadface.

Also Ru'sh Naal isn't scoring top in science!? D: *scolds students for failing standardized testing and gives detention to the entire class at academy until their improve their scores*