Author Topic: Zay's HALT: !! FIRST LEVEL ART DONE !!  (Read 57262 times)

uhh sure. but be more specific bc idk if you want me to draw your forum avatar or your oc or whatever you want

also bored therefore making animations i'll never use

request me things to sprite. I have nothing to do lol

can you draw my dudeman densitron?

im only accepting sprite requests right now because, like i said in my other post, im on vacation and don't have my drawing materials with me

also, here's a mouse requested by nienhaus

EDIT: added colored outlines cause i hadn't worked with them in a while
« Last Edit: December 30, 2014, 08:57:39 PM by Zay »

hey that's just a closeup of mausinger


anywho have a WEIRD SHEEP requested by a girl who goes by the same name
« Last Edit: December 31, 2014, 12:53:40 AM by Zay »

can you do like a icon with a purple Tetris L block jumping mario style towards the camera?

kind of hard to explain but just have fun with it

could you do a sprite of my character? ill pm you my reference

sure i'l do those

yours is probably going to take me a while, tetris, but i'll do my best

also here are some iscribble drawings i did on the trackpad

I am going to request Camera and Aremac for sprites

just realized that I never posted the latest gif of this game

in that case, here it is. I updated the colors and the player's sprites

Finally I got some new materials for drawing. I'll get to those requests as soon as I have time (and motivation)

'cause lately I've just been going to different houses and staying at different places to sleep like a nomad because of holidays and stuff. but at least i got a sweet sketchbook with some pens and stuff.

ALSO THANKS TO HOLIDAY MONEY I ORDERED A TABLET. should get here in bout a week

either way, been working on a few character designs and stuff, laying some stuff out

clicky for larger version

expect other updates in a bit