
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 163704 times)

Smurf just got placed Silver I

Don't leave lane
buy CDR/mana (fro heart fro heart)
Don't leave lane
B-b-but everyone knows any and all lanes except for mid cease to exist after the 20 minute mark!

B-b-but everyone knows any and all lanes except for mid cease to exist after the 20 minute mark!
Unless you're Nasus

Laning phase never ends for Nasus... Never..

Laning phase never ends for Nasus... Never..

Agree on that one :^)

Remember the game, slev?

Repoot Nawsus
>team goes in for teamfight while you're splitting top
>get wrecked because 5v4

'Nasus! Why didnt you group!?'   'Stacks bro'

The main problem I encounter while playing Nasus is that nobody knows how to play with a Nasus on their team.

One problem is comps that don't go well with Nasus.

One problem is comps that don't go well with Nasus.
I think that Nasus can fit a split push comp very well, because he can chunk down towers/inhibs/whatever with ease. Nasus's team fight presence is lacking IMO, because the most useful thing I've found is to wither a carry and try to kill them and not get kited to death.

you can't say it's an excuse for sitting top all game

there's stacking and split pushing and then there's being outright nonexistant

If you don't take TP on Nasus you're doing it wrong, plain and simple

wow I just played Vi, super fun, the q confused me how to use it for a while

I wish I could get my role more often. As Darius, I win top around 80% of the time and win the game 100% over 7 games, but I rarely get top because everyone on LAN wants to play that little loving rodent Teemo and then they feed. My last 2 scores as Darius were 23/3/7 with a penta and 19/3/15 and I have never had a single Darius game where I've gone negative. I feel like if I got my choice of role every time,  I'd be able to climb much more easily at my own pace.

I usually duo with a friend who plays panth jungle and out of the 5 or so games over the past week we both got our roles, we won all 5. I don't trust solo queue junglers on LAN because at a gold level, you still get junglers that dont give a stuff about dragons, like what the forget. If I'm playing a top that  can afford to run tp, I'll take it just so we can win dragon fights, but it's so frustrating when I solo queue and our jg doesnt give a stuff about dragons and the other team comes back from behind and wins because they got 5 drags and I was the only one trying to stop them. I even take the time to pink drag so our team has NO excuse to not react, but our jg just afk farms and doesnt care about drag. I could go on for a while about LAN solo queue. And I think I will, given I think it's morbidly fascinating. Here are some actual people I've seen at a gold 5 level in ranked.

First pick Garen (nothing wrong with Garen, I love playing the guy) who is gold 5, he is against a volibear, he farms up until 6, and upon hitting 6, ENGAGES ON THE VOLI BY ULTING HIM FROM FULL HP. I explained to Garen that his ult is an execute, and in broken spanish, he told me to go forget a gentleman (I'm sure he meant horse,  which is "caballo", but he said "caballero")

Anivia mid who is silver 1, has 10 farm at 10 minutes, and flames all game about how her jungler isn't helping when he has been camping mid for the entire game and gave anivia 3 kills she didn't deserve. She called her jungler a bitch and afk'd and we won.

Kalista Nunu bot that was combined 0/10 by 5 or so minutes, our Kalista was gold 4 and didnt know how to dash or that her E was a thing. She called my friend a bitch after he dove tower with her and gave her a kill and accidentally took the second one he was meaning to give to her. She sat in base all hame complaining and moving around so she wouldnt get leaver.

Despite the outliers of abnormally bad people in divisions they (imo) never deserved, people on LAN can be smarter than NA players in an objectives and team fighting sense, I feel like I've learned more about how to close out games in 10 games on LAN than I learned in 1000 on NA.