
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 164093 times)

Lol I just mute people and play the game. Its really not that bad, but it is a bit annoying if they play like stuff.

Choo choo
Salt train full speed, complete capacity overwhelmed by forumers!

Why do I get matched with plats and diamonds every game when I'm unranked.. and only silver last season. (talkin about normals)

looking forawrd to trying vayne this week, anyone got some tips/suggestions for her?

vayne is incredibly easy to forget up

looking forawrd to trying vayne this week, anyone got some tips/suggestions for her?
1v1 me. I will be trying her, aswell as rengarino this week.

I'ma just watch some LCK Vayne players and maybe read a Vayne guide

If you land two hits as vayne in lane go forgetin balls deep for that third hit
Flash if you need to

ok as someone who plays lux at a plat/diamond level, her new skin is absolutely terrible for competitive play

her ult telegraphs its exact size with a giant neon pink kill box before it goes off, so its impossible to catch people off guard and snipe them with it. her E is massive and neon pink as well, which makes it easy to estimate the exact position you need to move to avoid it. basically, it makes her spells too easy to see and predict which makes it nearly impossible to land anything on high rank players.

it is cute tho

it is cute tho
People are attracted to cute things.
This means the skin offers a tactical edge.

Rainbow party lasers is funnier to watch people panic with. You can't always take things as they will / won't help me win, but take  em as it's going to make this funnier in it's own way.

ok as someone who plays lux at a plat/diamond level, her new skin is absolutely terrible for competitive play

her ult telegraphs its exact size with a giant neon pink kill box before it goes off, so its impossible to catch people off guard and snipe them with it. her E is massive and neon pink as well, which makes it easy to estimate the exact position you need to move to avoid it. basically, it makes her spells too easy to see and predict which makes it nearly impossible to land anything on high rank players.

it is cute tho
i mean if you land the snare none of that matters

i mean if you land the snare none of that matters
well yeah land the snare it's a rave party of instant burst that can blow your face off so hard your ancestors will feel it

ok as someone who plays lux at a plat/diamond level, her new skin is absolutely terrible for competitive play

her ult telegraphs its exact size with a giant neon pink kill box before it goes off, so its impossible to catch people off guard and snipe them with it. her E is massive and neon pink as well, which makes it easy to estimate the exact position you need to move to avoid it. basically, it makes her spells too easy to see and predict which makes it nearly impossible to land anything on high rank players.

it is cute tho
Even if you "play lux at a plat/diamond level" <-- lmao
You should be good enough to land the ult on the middle of them. If said ult is unexpected, it's nearly impossible to have the reactions to move out of the way.

Even if you "play lux at a plat/diamond level" <-- lmao
You should be good enough to land the ult on the middle of them. If said ult is unexpected, it's nearly impossible to have the reactions to move out of the way.

I wouldn't completely disregard what she said, there are a lot of skins with animations that negatively effect that game even if very slightly. The animations on this skin do make them more obvious but yeah i dont think its a big deal.

I don't think she actually thinks it's a big deal, only pointed out some negative effects with the skin that's all.

Speaking of which. I think it's Underworld tf that is a total bitch on aram. I mean you barely see the cards. And maybe Steel legion lux too. I mean, they are great for the user.